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The Wry Pastor Podcast

The Wry Pastor Podcast

By Wry Pastor

This is a Bible based Christian anchored podcast where we deal with life’s ups, downs, sideways and in betweens. You will find explorations in Christian biblical orthodoxy, masculinity, purpose and pursuits of The Lord in the everyday situations. Hopefully you’ll find a good guide of how we act and interact with one another and the world through this podcast.
Currently playing episode

IDGTC - Othniel and Ehud - Comparing the first 2 Judges of Israel

The Wry Pastor PodcastFeb 27, 2024

The Wry Pastor - Christians Losing Their Minds This Last Week

The Wry Pastor - Christians Losing Their Minds This Last Week

The world appears to be going “to hell in a hand basket” and rightfully so as this is what Jesus said would happen. Are you an individual who has their grounding in the wrong theology and belief system even as a supposed Christian?

My purpose in recording this is to help recenter you on the focal point of our hope; are hope is in and and on Jesus Christ alone!

Christian, please stay grounded, please keep your peace; let the peace of God rest on your heart and soul through trials because you were born for this. You can be confident and prepared, but stay grounded.

I truly love you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible references:

Do not fear: Isaiah 41:10; 1 Peter 3:14

God judging Israel for apostasy: Deuteronomy 28:15-68 ;Judges 6:10

God turning back His judgment on Nineva: Jonah 3:1-10

BarJesus verse: Acts 13:4-12

More people with less love: 2 Timothy 3:1-9

Birth pains: Matthew 24:4-14

God judging nations: Isaiah 19:1-15; Isaiah 10:5-19

Chosen people: Romans 9; Romans 11; Ephesians 1:4-5

You will have tribulations: Matthew 24:15-28

Do not love the world: 1 John 2:15

The real Jesus as He is now: Revelation 19:11-17

The “goat” experience: Matthew 25:41-46

God will be with you: John 14:15-26; John 16:5-15

Apr 21, 202424:57
Introduction to Gideon; Judges chapter 6

Introduction to Gideon; Judges chapter 6

The character arch for this man, Gideon begin with him being a very fearful individual. The way that God affirms him, even in his fear, shows that not only does God know who we truly are, but also knows what we are capable of through His power and leading.

The encouragement from this chapter starts with little faith, the ending of his story in later chapters shows his gifting by God to glorify His own name through whomever God chooses.

The Wry Pastor

Apr 21, 202428:39
IDGTC - Church Gang: Are you in one? Mark Driscoll/John Lindell controversy and why you need to know about this issue

IDGTC - Church Gang: Are you in one? Mark Driscoll/John Lindell controversy and why you need to know about this issue

Your involvement in a church home can have inadvertent impacts on your loyalties to pastors, teachers, ministry leaders, and even that church in a way that can be unhealthy. A problem exists in American Christianity where loyalty to a building, a fund, a cause, or even a celebrity pastor usurps worship of God and His statutes; the example of this problem is exposed in this case and the unfortunate reality is that spiritual manipulation, lack of discernment, and incorrect theology all culminated in a sad situation at a men’s conference in Missouri.

You need to know about this situation because it will help to address any unhealthy attributes that your spiritual life in The Lord may be shifting towards; you must be an objective participant in a church, while also being a learner and seeker after God in Christ Jesus. If you accept anything and everything from your church leadership without using The Word of God as your guide, you will walk yourself into an unbiblical and situationally irresponsible approach to church attendance and support.

Church is supposed to be a place that sinners learn and grow in their faith, being sanctified by the reading of The Word and the convictions of The Holy Spirit, changing the individual heart more and more towards The Lord. If your church and its leadership aren’t doing their role of equipping the saints for study, growth, and addressing the sin in ones’ life while performing Matthew 28:19-20’s dictate of going into the world, you may have a spiritual problem and you may belong to a gang that wears a cross.

Please listen with discernment and pray to The Lord about unhealthy loyalties that overshadow your basis of faith in Christ Jesus.

Just because you attend a church doesn’t mean that you are getting what that church is supposed to be doing in leading God’s sheep toward our Savior; Jesus Christ. Know the difference between a healthy attachment with objective critiques and unhealthy attachment and blind loyalty; your faith and your eternity may depend on understanding the difference.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:

Nehemiah 8:1-2
1 Corinthians 1:23
Matthew 28:19-20
Romans 6:1
Revelation 2:14-16
Revelation 2:20-21
Revelation 3:1c-3

Officer Tatum critique of the James River Church situation

Apr 21, 202443:33
IDGTC - "For Yahweh and for Gideon?"

IDGTC - "For Yahweh and for Gideon?"

When we read this chapter of the Gideon story we see the high point of his faith exposed when he finally worships God for his faithfulness to fight and give victory to Gideon over the Midianites. However, the character arch takes a hard turn downward when Gideon makes the statement: “…and for Gideon” attached to the smashing of the jars as God turns the Midianite army on itself.

What Gideon has done is take a portion of the glory from God and attached it to himself; God was the one that gave the victory, but Gideon took glory for himself for reasons that echo God’s concern from Judges 7:2 regarding Israel bragging about victory if their army was at its original size before God shrank it down to just 300.

The overall storyline from chapter 7 is the pinnacle of the Gideon story and his faith in God, while it is also the point of his turning into a different Gideon in the later chapter where we will see what Gideon is capable of not only against his enemies, but against his own nation.

The Wry Pastor

Apr 21, 202434:04
IDGTC - Foretelling of the Confession of Faith Revealed by The Father (Matthew 16:13-20

IDGTC - Foretelling of the Confession of Faith Revealed by The Father (Matthew 16:13-20

The hope in Resurrection Sunday rests on Jesus' death for all sins on Good Friday; the BEST Friday. That hope of the forgiveness of sins comes solely by faith. No other event in history compares to this one amazing event: The One dying for all.

Only God could take God's punishment for sins. Only perfect man, THE perfect sacrifice, could accomplish this feat as is prescribed by God Who demands perfect sacrifice, shown in the Old Testament Law. This is the reason we believe in Jesus THE Christ; our hope and faith placed upon God Himself as perfect man for all of humanity.

Happy Resurrection Sunday to you all; God bless you as you continue to learn and grow in your faith.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:

Matthew 28:1-10

Mark 16:1-8

Luke 24:1-12

John 20:1-18

Matthew 28:11-15

Luke 24:13-29

Matthew 28:16-20

Luke 24:36-49

John 20:19-29

1 Corinthians 15:3-8

Luke 24:50-53

Acts 1:9-11

Acts 1:8

Matthew 16:18


Daniel 7:9-14

John 4:39-42

Matthew 20:1-8

Mark 3:31-35

Matthew 13:54-58

Romans 10:8-9

John 21:15-19

Matthew 16:21-23

John 14:15-26

John 16:5-15

Acts 2:1-13

John 14:6

John 14:11

John 14:15

Mar 31, 202444:05
IDGTC - Be Ye Holy (Holy Week Background)

IDGTC - Be Ye Holy (Holy Week Background)

The Christian calendar comes together this week as today being Palm Sunday will carry into the various days of importance from Monday to the following Sunday (Resurrection Sunday). Keeping a few things in mind will assist you with understanding why Holy Week is so important.

The first thing that you have to remember is that we are commanded by God to be holy; there is no misinterpreting this command and there is no way around it. We have to be absolutely holy to approach and to be in community with God. This command was outlined in the Old Testament when spoken by God through Moses to the Hebrews; Be holy because I AM holy (Leviticus 19:2; Leviticus 20:2)

The second thing that we have to remember is that to be holy meant to adhere to God's commands without blemish; this must be done perfectly. Once you are able to read through Leviticus, you can plainly see that this was a task that was insurmountable but was truly given to separate God from man. God is holy, man is not; God cannot allow unholiness to enter His presence. To be allowed into God's presence took an act of God to accomplish the impossible; remove sin completely from an imperfect being seeking after The Lord.

Jesus did this impossible feat through the cross; He made way for unholy people of all ethnicities, Gentile and Jew alike, to enjoy access to The Holy, but only by faith.

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:

Jesus claims about Himself
Jesus saying He is God, Himself (John 8:58/Exodus 3:14)
Jesus saying He is The Son of Man (Mark 13:24-27/Daniel 7:13-14)
Jesus saying He is The Son of God (John 10:25-30)
Holy Week Daily Information:

Palm Sunday:
- Matthew 21:1-11
- Mark 11:1-11
- Luke 19:28-44
- John 12:12-19

Cleansing of the Temple Complex
- Matthew 21:12-13
- Luke 19:45-48
- John 2:13-25 (Sequence of John not in chronological order, happens at the beginning of John while others happen at end)

Cleansing of the Temple Complex:
- Mark 11:15-18 - this is out of sequence showing specifics of Jesus' directives via prophecy)

Barron Fig Tree
- Matthew 21:18-22
- Mark 11:12-14

Olivet Discourse Parables:
Parable of the Fig Tree
- Matthew 24:32-35
- Mark 13:28-31
- Luke 21:29-33

Parable of the 10 Virgins
- Matthew 25:1-13

Parable of the Talents
- Matthew 25:14-30
- Luke 19:11-27 (out of order in this Gospel)

Parable of the Vineyard Owner
- Matthew 21:33-44
- Mark 12:1-12
- Luke 20:9-18

Parable of the Wedding Banquet
- Matthew 22:1-14

Parable of the 2 Sons
- Matthew 21:28-32

Olivet Discourse Prophecies:
Destruction of Temple
- Matthew 24:1-2
- Mark 13:1-2
- Luke 21:3-6

Signs of the End of the Age
- Matthew 24:15-28
- Mark 13:3-8
- Luke 21:7-19

The Great Tribulation
- Matthew 24:9-14
- Mark 13:14-23

Persecution of Believers
- Matthew 24:9-14
- Mark 13:9-13
- Luke 21:10-19
- John 15:18-25
- John 16:1-4

2nd Coming
- Matthew 24:29-31
- Mark 13:24-27
- Luke 21:25-28
- John 5:25-29

Jesus' Own Crucifixion
- Matthew 26:1-2
- John 8:27-29
- John 12:31-32

Wash the Disciples Feet
- John 13:1-11

Last Supper
- Matthew 26:17-30
- Mark 14:22-26
- Luke 22:14-22
- John 13:1-30

Judas Plan to betray Jesus
- Matthew 26:25
- Mark 14:20-21
- Luke 22:3-6
- John 13:21-30

Judas Leaving to betray Jesus
- Matthew 26:48-49
- Mark 14:43-45
- Luke 22:21-22
- John 13:30

Garden of Gethsemane
- Matthew 26:36-46
- Mark 14:32-42
- Luke 22:39-46
- John 18:1

Jesus Handed Over to Jewish Religious Leaders
- Matthew 26:57-68
- Mark 14:53-65
- Luke 22:66-71
- John 18:21-14
- John 18:19-24

Jesus punished, crucified, buried
- Matthew 27
- Mark 15:16-47
- Luke 23
- John 18:28-40
- John 19:1-42

Jesus Rises from the Dead
- Matthew 28
- Mark 16:1-8
- Luke 24:1-12
- John 20:11-29

Exodus 19:1-6
Exodus 20:1-17
Exodus 20:18-21
Leviticus 19:2
Leviticus 20:2
Deuteronomy 7:6-11
Deuteronomy 9:19
Deuteronomy 14:2
Zechariah 9:9
Matthew 5:17-20
Matthew 5:13-16
Matthew 22:37-40
Matthew 23:37-39
Luke 19:30-38
Hebrews 12:21
John 3:16
John 12:24-36
John 12:31-32

Mar 24, 202453:35
IDGTC - Deborah's Song (Judges 5)

IDGTC - Deborah's Song (Judges 5)

When analyzing the song that Deborah and Barak sang, the emphasis falls on the calling of God upon a person or people group by God and that person or people groups' response to that calling. God gives the directive and the responsibility falls on the response.

You will see in this chapter how certain people did follow through and others did not; my hope is you see how God blesses obedience and later allows consequences to fall on those who disobey.

God bless you in your learning, God is good through this song.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:

Exodus 15:1-18, 21

Deuteronomy 32:1-43

Judges 4

Mar 11, 202437:03
IDGTC - Major and Minor Judges (Judges 3:31 - 4:24)

IDGTC - Major and Minor Judges (Judges 3:31 - 4:24)

In this podcast I will outline for you the major and minor Judges and potentially what that means to the reader. I will also cover the topics that I feel I may have missed previously:

  • Listing out the majors and the minors

  • Emphasis on the Judges being a type of messiah or deliverer despite personal issues

  • Leadership issue really springing to the forefront with Abimelek

The first 5 Judges really shows you how creative and purposeful God is in deciding who he desires to deliver the Hebrews. You can also see how disqualifiers that we may align with our own shortcomings may play little to no part in what God destines for each one of us; learn the lessons of believing God and then doing as God designs, this book is filled with examples.

I appreciate you all! God bless your faces!

The Wry Pastor

Bible Reference:

  • Hebrews 11:32

  • Exodus 25:8-9

  • Exodus 40:1-2; 34-38

Mar 04, 202440:11
IDGTC - Othniel and Ehud - Comparing the first 2 Judges of Israel

IDGTC - Othniel and Ehud - Comparing the first 2 Judges of Israel

There are plenty of comparisons that will be made between the various judges of Israel, but from the start you need to know that the greatest of all the judges is Othniel. The reason that this is important is because we are accustomed to remembering the worst of the judges; Samson. In reality, Othniel is the exact opposite of Samson, while the story of Ehud begins to illustrate how the successive judges display certain characteristics that draw them further and further away from the example of Othniel, even incrementally. My encouragement for you as you read and listen is to keep this one big point at the forefront of your mind: the slippery slope of chaos begins because of Israel's non-repentant hearts for their idolatry, while still begging God to deliver them from the results of their own sin. Always remember that the disobedience of the nation of Israel was foretold by Moses because the Hebrews were always willing to go astray. Chaos and anarchy await the nation, and seeing the slow degradation of the judges will help to show you how they slid so far.

Video feed attached here or on my Substack (copy and paste the link):

The Wry Pastor

Feb 27, 202436:03
IDGTC - From OK to Much Much Worse 
Judges 2:1-23, 3:1-6

IDGTC - From OK to Much Much Worse Judges 2:1-23, 3:1-6

The remaining story of how the Hebrews went so far off the rails is written in short form in chapters 1 through 3:1-6 of Judges. I’m this shorter segment I’m pointing your attention to how they fell, why they fell and what ensued because of the failures. You will see how the slippery slope of disobedience transposed itself into the people even as Judges acted on God’s direction.

Leadership matters. What matters more is that leader adhering to their personally designed objective by The Lord above. Know what your leader is doing and where they are taking you; that path matters more than you could imagine.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Joshua 1:6-9
Deuteronomy 31:6
Joshua 3:15-17
Exodus 14:26-31
Feb 18, 202445:49
IDGTC - The Did as They Pleased 
(Judges 2:1-10)

IDGTC - The Did as They Pleased (Judges 2:1-10)

The Lord warned the Hebrews that they would go into apostasy and disobedience back when Moses spoke these words in Deuteronomy 31:27-29:
27 For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are. If you are rebelling against the Lord now, while I am still alive, how much more will you rebel after I am dead! 28 Assemble all your tribal elders and officers before me so that I may speak these words directly to them and call heaven and earth as witnesses against them. 29 For I know that after my death you will become completely corrupt and turn from the path I have commanded you. Disaster will come to you in the future, because you will do what is evil in the Lord’s sight, infuriating Him with what your hands have made.”

The unfortunate reality is that slight disobedience means complete disobedience to Holy God. What we see in the telling of Godson perspective of Israel not taking the Promised Land in the manner that had been commanded lead Israel to fall into idolatry; no treaties with the inhabitants and rid the land of the idols. Israel didn’t do either.

With the continued study in Judges I hope to outline where the mistakes were made by the nation of Israel and how those same mistakes can be made in our individual lives now and as a church body; we must be humble enough to course correct when we are found lacking in following The Lord or else we as individual Christians and corporately as a church body can go to places never meant for our souls to venture.

God bless you, please let me know if you have questions in this study.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Judges 1
Judges 2
Judges 3:1-6
Deuteronomy 28
Deuteronomy 31:16-30
Deuteronomy 3:26-29
Numbers 20:1-13
Numbers 27:12-23
Joshua 24:29
Feb 11, 202448:11
IDGTC - Aspire Correctly, Part 2
1 Timothy 3:8-13

IDGTC - Aspire Correctly, Part 2 1 Timothy 3:8-13

In closing the 1 Timothy study, the offices within a church are ordained with this in mind: leadership as pastors or deacons is conditioned upon God’s calling on the believer. Plain and simple: you are in a church building or group because God has given you a spiritual gift that is meant to be shared with the greater Body of Christ.

When you hear today’s message keep in mind that the adherence to diversity equity or inclusion as the imperative in church roles holds no weight scripturally. In fact, when I see or hear Christians mention or state “patriarchy” in negative terms, I begin to wonder what that “Christian” may truly believe because God’s order in church will never be usurped by societal pressures of equity.

We must take the time to understand the original words written in Koine Greek for the benefit of the 1st century believers that is passed on to 21st century believers. We have a responsibility to glorify God solely using the gifts that God has given for HIS GLORY and 1 Timothy 3:1-13 illustrates the importance of knowing what our roles are individually for The Lord and our fellow Christian believers.

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible references:
Romans 12:4-8
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
Galatians 5:22-23
Galatians 5:19-21
Colossians 3:12-13
Ephesians 4:11-14

Strong’s References:
Strong’s 1249 - διάκονοι (diakonoi)
Strong’s 1381 - δοκιμαζέσθωσαν (dokimazesthōsan)
Feb 04, 202440:50
Checking In With You (1/29/2024)

Checking In With You (1/29/2024)

I’m giving you all a bit of information about what I’ve been going through without too much detail, while my hope is that you hear this and choose to deal with yourself well when you are not doing well. It’s a blessing to be a part of your life, God bless you all! See you this weekend
Jan 30, 202416:30
IDGTC - Aspire Correctly for the New Year
(1 Timothy 3:1-13)

IDGTC - Aspire Correctly for the New Year (1 Timothy 3:1-13)

I hope that this first recording finds you desiring to follow Jesus in line with your individual calling. My hope is that you would know that you have a specific and special calling because who lives in you due to your faith in Christ Jesus.

Your purpose in life is to get to know Jesus and God’s Word so that you become more and more like Jesus. My personal conviction is that no one is told via scripture to just go to church; The Lord says in Matthew 28:19-21 that we are to go and make disciples. Please take that seriously and search the scriptures to find who it is that you are and what you were created to be and become.

God has great plans for each of us, not just pastors or those who serve in official capacities within the church; God has a purpose and plan for you as well.

God bless you all.

The Wry Pastor

Greek Reference Words from Strongs Greek Concordance:
* #1722 en
* #3844 para
* #435 ἄνδρα
* #1135 γυναικὸς
* #1855 exōthen

Bible References:
Ephesians 4:11-13
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Romans 12:3-8
John 14:15-18
John 16:13-15
Acts 16:7
Romans 8:9-11
Romans 7:13-25
1 Timothy 6:5
Ephesians 5:25-33
Jan 14, 202447:34
IDGTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 6
“I am making everything new” (Revelation 21:1-8)

IDGTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 6 “I am making everything new” (Revelation 21:1-8)

We’re ending the year on a very high note because of God’s future plans to make ALL things new in and through Jesus Christ! We have that reassurance no matter the circumstance or issues facing us ending the year and we can look with anticipation for the next year (2024).

I pray that this message is encouraging to you and to look at the scriptures with hope and gratitude; God will make ALL things new and we will be a part of that!

The Wry Pastor

How the sermon is broken down:
- John witnessing the event (vv.1-2)
- Proclamation of the event from the throne room (vv.3-4)
- God declaring the event Himself (vv.5-8)

Greek Reference Words from Strongs Greek Concordance:
- #565 apelthan
- #3773 ouranos
- #2537 kainon
- #1093 ge
- #2281 thalassa

Bible References:
Isaiah 65:17
Isaiah 66:22
Matthew 4:18
Matthew 8:26-27
Matthew 14:25
John 21:1
Acts 7:36
Hebrews 11:29
Revelation 21:10-11
Matthew 1:23
Exodus 29:45
Zechariah 8:8
2 Corinthians 6:16
Romans 8:18-25
2 Peter 3:10-13
Matthew 25:41-46
John 14:15
John 14:1
John 14:6
Luke 24:45
Luke 11:23
Luke 10:16
Mark 13:9-13
Mark 3:35
John 8:58
Dec 31, 202340:28
IDFTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 5: The Incarnation “Christmas Story” (Luke 2:1-20)

IDFTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 5: The Incarnation “Christmas Story” (Luke 2:1-20)

Merry Christmas Eve!

The gift of salvation and being saved FROM the wrath of God comes THROUGH God via His One and Only Son; Jesus Christ. The season of Thanksgiving really does center around Who Jesus is and What He accomplished by coming to this earth as one of us born of a virgin. This was and will always be THE greatest miracle to ever happen on the earth; God becoming like us.

The incarnation, as prophesied in the Old Testament (Isaiah 7:14) took place in a little town called Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). This was the location of a culmination of events that began with the introduction of John The Baptist’s parents and their story and ended with Jesus’ birth and heralding by angels and shepherds in their story.

The similarities between each individual all rested on two words: belief and action. Elizabeth, Zechariah, Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, even the angels all believed and acted in their roles to bring about the birth of Christ Jesus; believe the Holy Spirit’s promptings and follow the direction of The Lord.

My hope is that you read Luke 2 and understand how incredible the story of the census and orders were from the Roman Empire to the obedience and amazement of each person living out the story in real time in their time. The greatest gift given to all humanity was the birth of Jesus Christ into the world; Fully God and Fully Man!

Merry Christmas and God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Luke chapter 1
Matthew 1:19-25
Genesis 15:17
Genesis 19:1-22
Genesis 32:24-29
Exodus 3:2-6
Exodus 12:29
Joshua 5:13-15
Judges 13:1-20
1 Samuel 3:4-14
2 Kings 6:15-20
2 Kings 19:35-37
Philippians 2:6-11
Colossians 1:15-23
Romans 5:12-14
Matthew 3:7-8
Luke 3:7

History References and 1st Century Persons to look into:
Flavius Josephus
Gaius Octavius (Caesar Augustus)
Herod the King (Herod the Great)
Publius Sulpicius Quirinius, Governor of Syria
Dec 24, 202343:49
IDFTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 4: Saved FROM God’s Wrath (Revelation 19 & 20)

IDFTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 4: Saved FROM God’s Wrath (Revelation 19 & 20)

Many of people take for granted the truth of God’s Word regarding judgment. In fact, secularists and some Christians alike believe that not judging is a virtue while being permissive is sacrosanct. The Lord is very clear throughout the entire Bible; He has judged, He will judge, you are warned to flee from the coming judgment and wrath.

As a Christian, a believer in Jesus Christ, but also a follower making disciples and seeking after further sanctification in your life, you have the assurance that you will not be in the receiving end of the Holy Jesus Who will be coming back to judge all of the living and the dead.

Revelation paints a very clear contrast between the secular, effeminate Jesus of contemporary culture and the real Jesus; final Judge and Holy One, The Most High God. Revelation shows everyone willing to read and receive the truth; God is not mocked and will not be lenient about sin.

The end statement will always be true: come to Jesus while He may be found freely, your soul’s salvation depends on it and we are thankful for to God’s Holy Spirit for the gift of faith and salvation from Jesus Holy wrath!

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Overviews of John’s Gospel, John’s Epistles and Revelation
Revelation 19:1-5
Revelation 20:13-15
Revelation 19:11-16
2 Peter 3:8
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
2 Thessalonians 1:5-10
1 Corinthians 3:5-10
Matthew 25:14-30
Matthew 25:31-46
Isaiah 63:1-6
Isaiah 61
Dec 24, 202346:00
Season of Thanksgiving, part 3 (Thankful for The Word)

Season of Thanksgiving, part 3 (Thankful for The Word)

Notes to follow
Dec 10, 202348:54
Dark Side of the Pastorate; Addressing the negatives of the holiday season

Dark Side of the Pastorate; Addressing the negatives of the holiday season

The Christmas season can bring up many emotions, some not so positive or festive. At some point you just face the reality that you have to deal with uncomfortable people and situations that may have lingered for far too long. The gatherings may include people or circumstances that create in you anxiety, depression, frustration, and or anger. Are you ready to be honest with yourself about what you dread regarding the holidays; people who are abusive or narcissistic in their dealings with you?

I address the situations and personas that impact us in ways that are not positive so that you have a positive experience with yourself. Below you will find reading materials, videos and books that can point you towards healing so that this season really does become joyful and positive instead of anxiety filled or depression leading.

Take the time to listen and then ask the question: are you ready to deal with the people who drive you to negative feelings so that you can move into the new year with a better mental health assessment? Take the step, listen close, change your paradigm.

As a pastor, addressing these subjects is never easy, but as a pastor I have to tell you the truth: you control who you allow into your sphere, choose wisely.

God bless you this Christmas Season.

The Wry Pastor
Dec 10, 202351:27
IDGTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 2; Thankful for God leading us through personal struggles

IDGTC - Season of Thanksgiving, part 2; Thankful for God leading us through personal struggles

Our struggles can be viewed as a hindrance to our relationship with God. However, our struggles are actually a means to point us to God in the realization that He is sovereign and still loves us and desires for us to be close to Him despite our shortcomings.

This Season of Thanksgiving keep in mind that The God of the Universe is encouraging you to get closer to Him despite yourself and to seek Him in the hard times. Our Savior, Jesus THE Christ has given you a new life and that life is made real through faith.

God bless you all this Sunday!

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Romans 7:13-25
Exodus 20:1-17
Romans 1:21-23
John 14:18
Genesis 6
James 1:14-15
Genesis 4:7
Hebrews 2:14
Jeremiah 17:9
Dec 03, 202341:19
IDGTC: Season of Thanksgiving, Part 1

IDGTC: Season of Thanksgiving, Part 1

The holiday season is upon us in full swing and this is the perfect time to reflect on that which is true and soul shaping for our good eternally. This series is meant to open our minds to understand the Scriptures to give God thanks for His blessings and His presence.

This first sermon is on the adoption that we have in Christ Jesus; as sons and daughters of God, the reassurance of our salvation is clear. And to add to that reality, God has given us His Spirit to help us continually in this earthy journey; if we are adopted, there is no way we are left as orphans in our daily trials and tribulations.

Read ahead for the next week’s lesson and stay tuned to this podcast for more information. God bless you this holiday season; we have so much to be thankful for.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Romans 8:12-17
Romans 8:11
1 Corinthians 6:3
Revelation 20:4-6
Acts 9:15-16
1 Peter 4:19
Luke 22:63-64
Isaiah 53:3,5

The schedule will be the following with the heading “Thankful for…”:
1. Being a Child of God, Romans 8:12-17 (November 26th)
2. God Leading Us Through Struggles, Romans 7:13-25 (December 3rd)
3. Absolute Truth and God’s Word, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (December 10th)
4. Salvation From God’s Wrath, Revelation 20:11-15 (December 17th)
5. The Incarnation - The Christmas Story, Luke 2:1-20 (December 24th)
6. New Year and New Beginnings, Revelation 21:1-8 (December 31st)
Nov 26, 202340:10
Caution to Christians- Allegiances?

Caution to Christians- Allegiances?

I would rather tell you hard things and you wrestle with realities based on Christian orthodoxy than tell you conforming lies that lead you astray or keep you fooled. In this podcast I ask hard questions that I hope will open your eyes to realities that may be hidden or misconstrued now for purposes of keeping you and me ignorant of the truth.

Be diligent, discerning and wise with what you align yourself with; we live in a time where mass propaganda and lies rule the airways…seek truth and hold onto it.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Genesis 12:1-3
Genesis 7
Numbers 13
Nehemiah and Ezra (whole books)
John 6:60-71
John 8:42-45
Romans 9:6-7; 27-33
Romans 11:7-12
Romans 10:11-13, 21
Revelation 14
Proverbs 3:5
Nov 21, 202338:07
IDGTC - Continued Study in Judges: Judges 1:12-20

IDGTC - Continued Study in Judges: Judges 1:12-20

Thank you all for your patience in this recording’s delivery.

As you read this 2nd segment of Judges, the depth of the backstory expands into Joshua, Genesis and Numbers showing where this segment of Caleb’s story takes place (please see the attached images below) as well as how God showed His favor to this one man and his family due to his loyalty to God during the spying into Canaan incident (Numbers 14).

Caleb followed through on capturing his inheritance; Israel did not. Caleb walked out his destiny through faith: “…perhaps The Lord will be with me…” (Joshua 14). Caleb just went and did that which he hoped for remembering the promise. Israel, on the other hand, knew God’s promise but didn’t capture the land and drive out the Canaanites even though they knew God was with them.

My hope is that you will read this short segment of verses and see the contrast; God was with both Caleb and the Israelites, both had different outcomes in their conquests. Either we walk in faith and do or we capitulate and make excuses. The Word doesn’t paint a pretty picture; it sheds light on what happened, the outcomes, and the consequences that individuals and the nation experienced. Judges is the perfect book to read the consequences of failing to follow God and how shortcoming will equate to disaster later.

God is always faithful; as flawed and sinful human beings, we fall short.

God bless you all! See you next weekend!

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Genesis 23:1-20
Exodus 18:1-27
Numbers 10:29-36
Numbers 13:22
Numbers 14:1-5
Deuteronomy 34:3
Joshua 14:6-15
Joshua 15:13-19, 20, 48-54
Judges 1:10
Judges 1:12-20
Nov 20, 202337:07
IDGTC - Deficiencies in Obedience from the start
(Judges 1:1-13)

IDGTC - Deficiencies in Obedience from the start (Judges 1:1-13)

Sidenote: minute 23 has a break in the recording

Todays sermon highlights 2 main points:
1. From jump, the Hebrews made the wrong decision about leadership
2. The Hebrews took on wrong character attributes outside of God’s established ordinance in who they should be

The Hebrews disobeyed in worship (past), disobeyed in war (present), disobeyed in follow through and sacrifice (future). The actions of the nation in the first 13 verses overtly shows how the Hebrews disobeyed The Lord and we as 21st Century Christians may miss the points of importance. Further study and connecting the previous books of the Old Testament shines a light on simple disobedience which later results in anarchy.

Make sure to connect these dots because further study and reading reveals God’s will while also showing how humans subtly disobey.

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible Reference:
Judges 1:1-13
Leviticus 10:1-3
Leviticus 1:3-9
Leviticus 3:1-5, 11. 16
Deuteronomy 18:1
Deuteronomy 20:1-18
Genesis 15:16
Joshua 2:8-13
Romans 1:18-25
1 Samuel 15:12-23
1 Samuel 15:32-33
John 2:13-16
Malachi 1:6-10
Nov 12, 202342:44
IDGTC - Study through Judges (Why Would God Allow This? Judges 2 & 3)

IDGTC - Study through Judges (Why Would God Allow This? Judges 2 & 3)

From a humanistic perspective, our judgments and determinations usually will be very different than what we see God doing. In fact, if we are honest with ourselves, we aren’t usually on the side of God’s decisions and we aren’t usually understanding of why things happen the way that they do. Trusting The Lord is our goal as Christians; more so, believing God is more important. If God lays out consequences for us while also showing us blessings through obedience, our wisest decisions involve following God’s directions. How difficult is it to excuse ourselves of our trespasses while demanding God be lenient when we disobey? The human experience in relationship to God is always lopsided in God’s favor, why do we always rebel? Judges is that book that shows the consequences of disobedience and results in real life terms at how crazy things become when The Lord is not heeded. You will also understand from this week’s lesson how God’s plan included continual obedience by generations after the original patriarchs. God bless you all! The Wry Pastor Bible References: Genesis 3 Genesis 6:5-7 Genesis 7:11-24 Genesis 15:13-20 Exodus 19:1-6 Leviticus 18:24-30 Deuteronomy 7:1-11 Deuteronomy 28:1-6; 15-19 Deuteronomy 29 Deuteronomy 30 Joshua 12:7-24 Joshua 13:1-7 Judges 2:20-23 Judges 3:1-6 Romans 1:24-27 2 Peter 3:8-9 Pastors who I follow: J Vernon McGee: Philip DeCourse: Chuck Swindoll: John MacArthur:
Oct 29, 202351:34
No clear objective = No clear outcome
(Study through Judges)

No clear objective = No clear outcome (Study through Judges)

Our series comes to the reasons why Israel failed and to be honest, their failure is evidenced through the lack of leadership. Today we will explore how the passing of the information and stories of old that was commanded by God to teach their children was not done; Israel’s next generation arose ignorantly and felt the consequence of their miseducation or lack of knowing The Lord.

The key points for today’s sermon:
1. The Lord’s command to teach the young
2. No succession / No leader
3. No leader to clear purpose or directive
4. The people are scattered in their loyalty and are punished
5. God was testing them the entire time

God bless you all, I’ll see you next week!

Bible references:
Genesis 15:13-20
Leviticus 18:6-30
Deuteronomy 29:3-9
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
Deuteronomy 31:16-17; 27-29
Joshua 23:1-13
Joshua 24:29-31
Judges 1:1
Judges 2:8-10
Deuteronomy 4:9
Deuteronomy 6:2,7,20-25
Deuteronomy 11:1-2a, 18-21
Deuteronomy 31:12-13
Judges 1:19,27-34
Judges 2:1-5,10-15
Judges 2:20-23
Judges 3:1-6
Oct 15, 202341:35
14 Months to Spread the Fear
Pastor’s perspective on being prepared, part 2

14 Months to Spread the Fear Pastor’s perspective on being prepared, part 2

A perpetual orchestrated effort has kept the public in a state of fear, not just in the US, but across the planet. You and I have the choice to fall in line with the puppeteers or we can choose to step outside of their will. You have the key to our own mind and you have the ability to keep yourself sane and out of their grip of influence. The more that you are afraid the easier it is for you to be controlled. I’m praying that you, as a free-thinking, freedom loving individual will step back and away from the narratives that fuel all of our media and I’m praying that you are encouraged to not be paranoid or afraid, but that you’d be prepared in case something does happen. Preparedness is the easiest way of staying out of fear.

Points of discussion:
1. Preparation is not paranoia
2. Paranoia is paranoia
3. Know your place and stay out of the narrative
4. 14 Months to Spread the Fear

God bless you,

The Wry Pastor
Oct 15, 202338:40
IDGTC - Bad Spiritual Leadership (Study Through Judges, part 3)

IDGTC - Bad Spiritual Leadership (Study Through Judges, part 3)

In continuing our study through Judges, we come to part 3 where I address the leadership and spiritual issues from within Israel. The syncretism is apparent while at the same time the real knowledge of obedience to The Lord is lacking. This simple example of the spiritual “norms” shows so much lacking in direction towards God.

Spiritual disobedience begins from the top of the spiritual community. If the leaders are out of step with God, the followers will be as well. What we also see is that what God stated through Moses and when Moses conveyed the information to the nation, God’s foretelling was true; Israel would go into full blown apostasy and idolatry if they didn’t rid the Promised Land of the Canaanites.

The lessons within Judges are meant to teach us that just as Israel could go into spiritual bankruptcy, we can as well. If we can see ourselves in the pages of Judges and how easy it is to fall, we can be humble enough to repent and seek obedience through the Scriptures.

God bless you all, please let me know if you have any questions.

The Wry Pastor

Biblical References:
Judges 1
Judges 2
Judges 17
Judges 21
John 14:
Oct 08, 202338:54
Expendable Pawns - How the Uniparty galvanized the religious right

Expendable Pawns - How the Uniparty galvanized the religious right

If you are a Christian listening to this podcast today, I’m going to challenge so called Christian orthodoxy about Genesis 12:3 (blessings and curses for Israel). I don’t want you to be ignorant or uninformed when reading and understanding your Bible. Please know that many Christians eisegete this verse to mean that unconditional support of Israel is a biblical mandate. It is not, but you need to know the totality of your Bible to grasp this reality. This does not mean that you don’t support Israel or what they are going through now, just know that your Bible does not have a biblical mandate to support the nation in all situations.

My encouragement for you today, as you see the terrible videos of home invasions, murders, kidnappings of Israelis, that you would prayerfully think through how the goal post of propaganda moved from the far left and al its virtue signals (Ukraine, masks, vaccines, trans/environmentalism, social justice, etc.) into the religious right’s territory of faith, freedom and love for Israel. It’s not wrong to support Israel and it’s people; it is incorrect to use the text to state it’s a mandate.

I hope this podcast is informative and direct for you to share with those who question what is going on and how “timely” it is with all that just happened in our own government these past few weeks.

God bless you all with further and further discernment.

The Wry Pastor

Scripture references:
Genesis 11
Genesis 12:1-3
Matthew 1:1-6
Luke 3:32-33
Romans 9
Romans 10
Romans 11
Oct 08, 202340:57
IDGTC - You Are Now Here; Study Through Judges (The Backstory)

IDGTC - You Are Now Here; Study Through Judges (The Backstory)

To study Judges you have to know the backstory as to how Israel fell so far from the start. You have to see that the inner character issue of Israel’s leaders was prone to wander despite being in the presence of God continually.

You and I have to see ourselves in the story understanding where we’ve come from and how we too can make the same incorrect and misaligned decisions. My hope is that you’ll understand from this one segment that just as the Hebrews have a backstory with disobedience, you and I do as well.

Please read up on the scripture references below, prepare yourself for an in-depth study on the individual characters and plot lines within this one book, and know that connecting narratives throughout scripture that point to sin, judgment, and God’s forgiveness and redemption only to do it all over again in time.

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
Genesis 15:16
Exodus 14:10-15
Exodus 15:23-27
Exodus 16:3-12
Exodus 17:1-4
Leviticus 18:25
Numbers 13:1-33
Numbers 14:1-45
Numbers 20:6-10
Deuteronomy 1:19-45
Hebrews 6

Hymn: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Oct 01, 202336:30
IDGTC - We Are Now Here (Study through Judges - Introduction)

IDGTC - We Are Now Here (Study through Judges - Introduction)

To see the world appear to be going in the wrong direction you would think that everything in chaos is new. New fears, new woes, new lows, new issues; this is not true. In fact, the silver lining in the chaos is that God gives the answer as to what is needed through His Word.

This series is meant to encourage you about what you can do individually and then become a faithful servant despite what you see and experience in the world. God is sovereign and Lord of all; He knows what will happen and now is the time to seek His Word to understand what is happening.

Please read the Bible reference verses to prepare yourself for this series. To get all that you can from this study and sermon series you’ll need to do your own seeking, asking and knocking to understand the depth of depravity of the human spirit in apostasy and what it takes to realign one’s reality with God and in His way.

God bless you all! I’m excited to do this with you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible references:
Numbers 13
Deuteronomy 6:25
Deuteronomy 8:1-10
Deuteronomy 9:4-7
Deuteronomy 10:12-22
Deuteronomy 11:26-32
Deuteronomy 28:15-36
Deuteronomy 31:29
Joshua 13:1-7
Joshua 23:1-16
Judges 1:19
Judges 2:20-23
Sep 24, 202326:44
My Perspective: Why We Left CA

My Perspective: Why We Left CA

I haven’t really sat down and told you all the real story on what led to the decision to leave. In this episode, I do just that and give some background into what was going on with me spiritually, politically and based on what I was noting socially.

There are things I wish we had done different and things I’m glad we did do, but all in all, this move was something that I could not get past. What was going on for me was much deeper than I had expressed openly and I hope that you gain insight into my thinking and thought processes.

I cover the following:
- Feeling compelled / “if I could have’s”
- Poor governance and normalizing crazy
- Not being able to say goodbye to everyone
- Who were/are my friends - people knew where we lived
- My decision making process from 2013-2021
- Compelled

Please let me know if you have any questions; I would love to chat about this.

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Bible reference:
Romans 13:1-9
Sep 24, 202301:01:01
IDGTC - Protecting Your Mind 
Romans 12:1-2

IDGTC - Protecting Your Mind Romans 12:1-2

You and I have to be aware of what goes on in between our ears and behind our eyes. The key for a Christian to keep their mind right is within the scriptures; our dedication to God’s Word will act as our filter for those thoughts that do and don’t belong.

Paul’s letter to the Romans is the perfect example of renewing our minds based on the glorious riches of God’s Grace that was given through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus defeat of death. To see these verses for their totality you have to know what came before and how those verses play into God’s glory.

My hope is that in this time, you will view the verses as your lifeline about mental fortitude and you will take seriously that protection of your thoughts will lead to a life more and more obedient to The Gospel. Don’t take your obedience lightly as God didn’t take the salvation of your soul lightly.

The Wry Pastor

Scripture notes:
Exodus 20:1-8
Leviticus 17:14
Deuteronomy 4:23-24
Matthew 13:1-23
Mark 12:30
John 4:24
Acts 1:8
Romans 1:18-25
Romans 2:17-24
Romans 3:23
Romans 4:3-5
Romans 5:6-11
Romans 6:3-11
Romans 7:18-19
Romans 8:1-2; 14-17; 38-39
Romans 9:6; 21-22; 30-32
Romans 10:12-13, 17
Romans 11:7-8; 21-23; 33-36
1 Corinthians 6:19
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Hebrews 11:1
2 Peter 1:13-14
Sep 17, 202354:16
How Parents Are Being Liberated from Their Children - One Innocuous Idea

How Parents Are Being Liberated from Their Children - One Innocuous Idea

If I know a few people who have experienced this, I know that more of you do as well. What’s important to know is that you can change all of it being being informed, proactive and purposeful in your communications with your children. What you also have to recognize is that being a passive parent or permissive parent while operating in an ideological war, is familial suicide. The sad thing is that so many of the parents in this generation had no clue they were even in a war; now they do because their kid/s no longer belong to them.

Please do look into all of the attached; this podcast and backup info is quite broad, but it should all make sense as you dive in. Each aspect of this Substack podcast should point you to the reality of what is happening en masse in the school systems across this nation and the world. This info should also color what you believe about the real intentions of some of these “teachers” or as I call them: programmers.

Be wise, get educated and then make your next move; your child’s future may depend on it.

The Wry Pastor
Sep 16, 202347:54
What have you learned?

What have you learned?

4-5 years and I’ve learned I may not be getting the truth

Your most valuable asset is your time and right now, we’ve all been given time to reflect and remember what we’ve been through and see with our own eyes and experiences. Especially on a day like today (9/11), we have to reflect on lessons learned.

Today’s podcast does just that; I go over what I learned in the last 3.5 years and tell you when you need to bring your those memo yourself as we get closer to 2024. Do you em ever what you learned that brought you to the various conclusions that you now hold? Do you take into account the many situations that shaped you and made you believe one thing, but then later realize you were believing the wrong things?

My hope is that you look and listen to reality and not to the facade that you’re given as reality. We were all made fools by an entity with much more to lose than you or me. I pray that you are more diligent with how you treat yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually; let’s all do better when we are told to do things that hurt us in the long run and then told that “experts” know best.

Keep your peace, make a plan, investigate the narratives and make better decisions; our futures depend on us not being swayed the same way again by the crazies in leadership.

The Wry Pastor

Point #3 - Items I learned and took note of:

masks mandates for no reason

government experts that don’t know best

my being able to have election questions

open Cultural Marxism in all aspects of life

shut down of Christian institutions

mass propaganda

skewed reality

Trump and his supporters as villains

bend the knee or else

foreign news agencies were censored; silencing one side was world wide

patriotism was anathema

religion of sex

religion of DEI

entertainment went woke

Hollywood aligned with social control

pharma was much more influential than I realized

politicians violated their own rules

“misinformation” was coined

toilet paper bandits

Asians hate was really done by Blacks

the government created the term essential workers

the disappearance of HIPPA

gun purchases skyrocketed in Blue states

certain media withheld important information

Afghanistan withdrawal

political persecution of opposition parties

US government involved in UFO’s, JFK, MLK
Sep 12, 202359:15
IDGTC - Heaven for Them/Hell for Us (Matthew 4:1-11/Luke 11:1-13)

IDGTC - Heaven for Them/Hell for Us (Matthew 4:1-11/Luke 11:1-13)

The temptation of Jesus is a unique experience displaying God’s power over the Tempter. What we learn through these verses is that God’s Word cannot be twisted by anyone, that there is meaning behind the varying situations, and that despite appearance, what we are being tempted with has a shelf life…as do we. Jesus drives home the truth about offerings and lies of Satan; nothing can compare to what God gives freely while Satan’s “blessings” come with a terrible price.

Get to know what’s behind the 3 temptations and learn what people fall to so easily because they can’t fathom the reality of eternity; Satan tempts us all, but not all pass the tests. What you can be given by the devil will lead to eternal destruction despite temporary pleasure, appearance, status or satisfaction.

Unbelievers do not have the foresight to see through this life’s gains through the devil because they do not and cannot contextualize the reality of Almighty God judging Satan and demons in hell. This truth and fear of God leads believers to adhere closely to what can be gleaned from the temptation story; God does not change His perfect will, we must obey our Lord because He is our Savior.

Please let me know if you have any questions; God bless you!

The Wry Pastor
Sep 07, 202357:07
Pastor’s Perspective of Being Prepared

Pastor’s Perspective of Being Prepared

FULL DISCLOSURE AND DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR!!! All advice, information, directions, and experiences within this podcast, video and written is my opinion and from personal experience; please consult your licensed medical professional for details, directions, and prescriptions of any and all vitamins and Rx. Please access the podcast here: As was promised, this is a video recording and audio podcast recording of the information I shared on social media and more. In the attached video I go over the “forbidden drugs,” dosages, and vitamins that I take; this is all to help prevent me from getting incredibly sick or even hospitalized. In this recording I go over (15) points that I believe will be of interest to you involving vaccines, drugs, issues that I noted as a pastor and how you may want to address your broader society in staying practical and grounded. The mainstream news is already reporting that certain colleges and certain businesses are mandating masks again; I’ve also heard about airlines potentially doing the same thing on Sept/Oct. My hope, even if these things don’t come true, is that you will be mentally and physically prepared for the shenanigans; we are approaching an election season and we all saw what happened in 2020 with fear and supposed misinformation. Let’s do better this time, everyone! Thank you for your support and for subscribing to this Substack. I hope that the information you listen to and watch is helpful and answers your questions. The Wry Pastor 15 points I cover in the audio podcast: 1. What I learned involving sharing important information 2. Eating preparation is key 3. Take your vitamins 4. Political scientists are not scientists 5. Christians should have discerned CDC guidelines first 6. Sugar lowers your immune system 7. Do or do not take a Covid test 8. Do or do not get the Covid vaccine 9. Covid serious; why is Hollywood singing, doctors/nurses dancing 10. Nurses fired for not taking vaccine 11. My wife & my mom getting mysterious illness 12. Stay away from cold quick fixes 13. Big Pharma/Big Money - you are a walking dollar sign 14. VAERS site investigation 15. Excess death rates in Europe pre-2020 and after 2020 to present
Aug 26, 202348:46
Why Christians need to take the UFO subject seriously 
(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Why Christians need to take the UFO subject seriously (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)

Many people of the Christian faith don’t realize the religious significance of what we are seeing on mainstream programming (accentuate programming) about UFO’s. The government and many channels are normalizing yet another topic of controversy while we are expected to eat the subject matter up as truth.

There is something different about aliens and UFO’s though; a good challenge to theology is necessary to help strength your faith. I believe that challenges are needed to assist us in understanding what we believe while seeing what’s in scripture come to life via current events.

The narrative about human existence being insignificant though, must be examined. Do you understand why atheists hold to the possibility of aliens while ignoring and ridiculing the Christian faith’s belief in God? Real studies have been completed to show WHY there is this strange deviation in theology for both groups while holding to an important truth that weaves through the storyline; God create human existence as a special people, you are told via agnostic and atheist theology that human life is unimportant and insignificant…we came from apes and babies aren’t human until the doctor or parent says so.

It’s all interwoven, be wise with what you believe and be strengthened in your Christian faith. A strong delusion is promised via The Word…don’t be fooled by what you are told or even see.

The Wry Pastor

Bible references:
Matthew 24:4-8, 24, 34-35, 44, 50-51
2 Thessalonians 1
2 Thessalonians 2
1 Samuel 8:7-9
Exodus 7:14, 8:15, 8:19, 8:32, 9:7
John 3:19-20
Romans 1:24-25
Romans 15:18-20
Acts 2:18-20, 43, 4:29-31, 5:12
2 Corinthians 12:11-12
Hebrews 2:4
2 Corinthians 11:14
Exodus 7:11-12
Revelation 13:13
Aug 07, 202352:13
IDGTC - Can You Lose Your Salvation (Luke 23:40-42)

IDGTC - Can You Lose Your Salvation (Luke 23:40-42)

As the thief on the cross came to salvation at the very last minute, you have to realize that this is a very very unique situation. First, he’s next to THE Messiah on his own cross facing his imminent death. Second, he sees and knows that Jesus IS THE Messiah and confesses it looking for Jesus’ mercy. Lastly, he is saved via simple faith.

Many people play the game of tempting fate by placating their mortality by believing they will have a moment to change their eternal trajectory. That is unwise and ill advised because God does not play like that. My prayer is that you will listen to this podcast and at least understand my personal rationale based on scripture that shows that salvation is a definite act of your part to believe AND it is an action where you display what you believe through your actions in discipleship.

Please don’t take this subject lightly as the eternal implications are immense. I hope this podcast encourages you to see self-reflect about what you believe about Jesus, your judgment, and salvation and if need be, course correct.

God bless you!

The Wry Pastor

Caveat 1: were/are you really a Christian?
Caveat 2: if you are, are you running your race?

Bible References:
Matthew 7:1-2
Matthew 7:15-23
Matthew 7:24-27
Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23
Matthew 25:31-46
John 6:36-40
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
1 Timothy 1:19-20; 4:1-2; 6:3-5
2 Timothy 2:18; 3:13
Hebrews 6:4-12
Jude 11
Aug 01, 202348:59
IDGTC - Breaking the Threshold of Complacent Christianity (2 Timothy 4:2)

IDGTC - Breaking the Threshold of Complacent Christianity (2 Timothy 4:2)

As a Christian, you have to remember that you will only go as far as you’d like to go. Even when you are uncomfortable growing, learning, facing your darkest issues in Christ; you still will only dive as deep as you want and you have full prerogative to do that. It isn’t that there’s a cap on how much God desires of you and how much of you you will desire to lay at the feet of the cross in submission. The issue is that it’s much easier to just stay at one place, in one level, in a comfortable zone that fits your personal version of Christianity despite how far God may have designed you or desires for you to go.

This podcast is meant to spur you on because you may know that you’re being complacent and you may want to break that funk. My encouragement to you is to venture out w/God in HIStory where you play a role. 2 Timothy is a perfect letter to read, study, and remain encouraged by as he, Timothy, was also someone who needed to be lifted up and disciplined.

Please take some time to really evaluate or personally reflect on your Christian journey; are you complacent or are you growing? I pray that you are growing. I also pray that if you aren’t, you’d self-reflect on how you can make a few changes and then continue moving forward.

God Bless you.
The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
2 Timothy 1
2 Timothy 2
2 Timothy 3
Hebrews 4:13
2 Peter 3:10
1 Corinthians 15:3-8
Acts 1
Acts 9
John 21
Luke 24
Mark 16
Matthew 28
Revelation 19-22
Psalm 119
John 15:18-25
Matthew 28:19-20
Hebrews 5:11-14
Hebrews 6:1-3
Jul 23, 202301:00:17
IDGTC - Enslaved to the Enemy Within (2 Corinthians 10:5)

IDGTC - Enslaved to the Enemy Within (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Negative self talk sometimes springs from issues that we have from our past or unresolved trauma that we’ve experienced. Other times the negative talk within our minds comes from something or “someone” purely spiritual. As Christians, we have to be discerning and understanding about our new life in Christ and the capacity and capabilities that we have because of what we believe about Jesus.

My hope is that you will listen to this podcast and grasp simple facts about yourself based on WHO Jesus is compared to what you are going through or even thinking. We have to master the intellect that we have and base our beliefs and assumptions about ourselves and others on what we know from the scriptures.

2 Corinthians 10:5 should be and can be an eye-opening verse for you just as it was for me; we can control our thoughts and align them with Christ Jesus. Our thoughts do not have to rule us and God gives us prayer as our main tool to combat the enemy within (the old man living in you) so that you don’t have to be a mental slave of your past, your failings or even condemning yourself because you’ve fallen short.

Fight the battles within and master your mind; God has given you His strength to fight your battles. Don’t negate the truth: The Holy Spirit IN YOU is stronger than all things that come against you (Colossians 1:28)

God bless you all.

The Wry Pastor

Greek words for study:
- logismos
- hypoma

Bible References:
2 Corinthians 10:1-18
2 Corinthians 11:1-6

Romans 6:5-14
Romans 7:13-20
Romans 12:1-2
Galatians 5:19-21
Ephesians 4:20-24
Colossians 3:8
1 Peter 1:14-15
1 Peter 2:11
Hebrews 11 (whole chapter - Hall of Faith)

Genesis 9:21-25
Genesis 12:12-13
Judges 6:33-40
Judges 11
Judges 13
1 Samuel 10:21-23
2 Samuel 11
Jul 17, 202355:58
IDGTC - Good God (New Testament / Bad God (Old Testament) - Revelation 19:11-16

IDGTC - Good God (New Testament / Bad God (Old Testament) - Revelation 19:11-16

I had a conversation with a young lady last weekend that inspired this podcast; I want to address the God God/Bad God concept introduced to society via a feelings based theology.

Because we are so fearful about seeming to be judgmental or even having a basis for Christian standards, we have become very permissive about important things that we must be concrete about; the sexualization of children, marriage between a man and a woman, etc. The Word of God is very clear about what The Lord says about very specific and we have a choice to obey or disobey.

I want you to see that the God of the New Testament, or as is called “The Good God,” is the same as the God of the Old Testament. I also want you to see Who Jesus is in the Old Testament so that your theology is bridged together on Who Christ Jesus is versus who society paints Jesus as being. Please don’t buy into the idol of “Nice Jesus;” that idol will equate to hell for worshiping a false god.

I pray that this podcast is informative and that you are able to read the scriptures with a much brighter and clearer light on Who Jesus really is from Genesis to Revelation.

God bless you all!

The Wry Pastor

Tetragrammaton (YAHWEH)
El Elyon

Bible References:
Genesis 1:1-27
Genesis 2:4
Genesis 3:1-14
Genesis 4:1-9
Genesis 5:1
Genesis 6:5-9
Exodus 3:14-15
Exodus 6
Exodus chapters 7-11
Exodus 14:15, 26-27
Exodus 19:3
Leviticus 18:1-23
Numbers 16:30-35
Numbers 22:31
Deuteronomy 20:16-18
Deuteronomy 22:5
Joshua 6:17
2 Kings 6:15-17
Isaiah 14:12-14
Isaiah 37:36
Daniel 3:25
Matthew 1:20
Matthew 10:15
Matthew 11:23
Matthew 24:37,44
Mark 9:42-43
Luke 1:18-20
Luke 1:26
Luke 17:29-30
Luke 24:1-11
John 18:36
Acts 1:10-11
Acts 12:7
Hebrews 12:18-21
Jude 5
Revelation 19:11-16
Jul 02, 202348:21
IDGTC - Giving and do New Testament Christians Tithe? (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

IDGTC - Giving and do New Testament Christians Tithe? (2 Corinthians 9:6-8)

New Testament Christians are obligated to give by what God had placed on one’s heart to give. A tenth or tithe can be said to be the term used for giving to your church, but the set amount is not set on a certain percentage. In short: give as you are able and give out of the abundance of your heart as God has led you.

I want you to be clear and understanding when it comes to this; if you give out of obligation despite what the Word of God says, you may be giving legalistically instead of with a cheerful heart towards The Lord.

Bible scriptures:
Ruth 2:2
Leviticus 19:9-10
Malachi 3:7-12
Proverbs 22:22-23
Exodus 30:11-16
Numbers 35:1-8
Deuteronomy 16:16-17
Deuteronomy 26:12-15
1 Kings 10:14-29

For reference and research:
- Terumah
- Ma’ aser
- Leket
- Shikchah
- Peah
- Machatzit Hashekel
- Kupah
- Tamchui
Jun 25, 202346:20
IDGTC - Trauma Bonding to Narcissists (Using Podcast format today); (Joel 2:25-27)

IDGTC - Trauma Bonding to Narcissists (Using Podcast format today); (Joel 2:25-27)

The locusts of this generation are tearing children apart from the inside out, while parents are relinquishing their babies and children to these crazy people. Today’s recording goes into my personal story about my current journey through negating the trauma bondings of my past and how that trauma needed to be addressed. I’ve posted controversial images here, so just know that I’m doing so to accentuate the point; what kids are being exposed to now is terrible and will be judged.

Be aware of who and what types of people are trying to influence your kids and be prepared to take the correct steps to heal through your past trauma because of narcissists from your past or present.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:

Joel 2:25-27

Deuteronomy 26

Deuteronomy 28:20,38

Exodus 10

1 Corinthians 11:28-30
Jun 11, 202340:05
IDGTC - Hell Will NOT Be Fabulous (Matthew 7:13-23)

IDGTC - Hell Will NOT Be Fabulous (Matthew 7:13-23)

I appreciate you all and please do pray for the situation that I speak about.

Take hell seriously and take your eternal fate seriously. Salivation ONLY comes through Jesus Christ, all others are false “ways” to peace through religiousness that will lead to eternal destruction. You have the opportunity now, do not waste it and share the Gospel without measure to the masses.

I pray that this message is spread far and wide so that people who hold up signs like this guy turn from blaspheming God and into salvation via the cross of Christ. Jesus came for ALL sinners, please choose wisely, your soul depends on it.

The Wry Pastor

Excerpts from “Sinners in the Hands of a. angry God,” Jonathan Edwards (1741)

If we knew that there was one person, and but one, in the whole congregation, that was to be the subject of this misery, what an awful thing would it be to think of! If we knew who it was, what an awful sight would it be to see such a person! How might all the rest of the congregation lift up a lamentable and bitter cry over him! But, alas! Instead of one, how many is it likely will remember this discourse in hell? And it would be a wonder, if some that are now present should not be in hell in a very short time, even before this year is out. And it would be no wonder if some persons, that now sit here, in some seats of this meeting-house, in health, quiet and secure, should be there before tomorrow morning. Those of you that finally continue in a natural condition, that shall keep out of hell longest will be there in a little time! Your damnation does not slumber; it will come swiftly, and, in all probability, very suddenly upon many of you. You have reason to wonder that you are not already in hell. It is doubtless the case of some whom you have seen and known, that never deserved hell more than you, and that heretofore appeared as likely to have been now alive as you. Their case is past all hope; they are crying in extreme misery and perfect despair; but here you are in the land of the living and in the house of God, and have an opportunity to obtain salvation. What would not those poor damned hopeless souls give for one day’s opportunity such as you now enjoy!

God seems now to be hastily gathering in his elect in all parts of the land; and probably the greater part of adult persons that ever shall be saved, will be brought in now in a little time, and that it will be as it was on the great out-pouring of the Spirit upon the Jews in the apostles’ days; the election will obtain, and the rest will be blinded. If this should be the case with you, you will eternally curse this day, and will curse the day that ever you was born, to see such a season of the pouring out of God’s Spirit, and will wish that you had died and gone to hell before you had seen it. Now undoubtedly it is, as it was in the days of John the Baptist, the axe is in an extraordinary manner laid at the root of the trees, that every tree which brings not forth good fruit, may be hewn down and cast into the fire.

Terms to research:

Drag as performance

Queer Theory and it’s origins


Typical mainstream sexuality - according to Queer Theory

Queer Politics

Gay Liberation Movement

Queer as disadvantaged class

BLM founders Queer Activists; lesbian activism

Bourgeois Heteronormative

Proletariat - Queer Activists and Allies; Prols vs Bourgeies

Bible References:

Matthew 7:13-23

Matthew 24:15-22

Matthew 25:32-33; 37-40; 41, 44-46

Isaiah 66:21-24

2 Peter 2:1-14

2 Peter 3:3-7

Revelation 16:10-11

Revelation 20:10-15

Revelation 21:5-8
Jun 06, 202301:01:52
Pneumotology, Part 2: The unrepentant will inherit hell (John 14:20-21; John 15:4-6; John 16:8-11)

Pneumotology, Part 2: The unrepentant will inherit hell (John 14:20-21; John 15:4-6; John 16:8-11)

The eternal choice that we all make about Jesus is: do we believe God when He speaks about Himself and do we believe the Holy Spirit when He affirms who Jesus is? I am adding this recording to part 1 because the one question asked by so many is: “why can’t the devil and his demons be forgiven?”

There is a reason that they can’t be forgiven and their destiny was set because of what they believed and decided about themselves. They were in the presence of Jesus and still didn’t believe.

What remains to be shown is the judgment that will take place against those who disobey or forsake Christ Jesus and don’t believe Who He is. What we wait for as well is the judgment of evil in Satan and his minions; all fallen angels. What took each of them out of God’s presence in glory and into God’s judgment in hell is pride. Pride does come before the fall (Proverbs 16:18), but you and I have a choice to address our pride and respond w/humility or face the same destiny as Satan. Because of the devil’s pride and demons’ pride, there is no repentance for them. Even in the presence of God Almighty, they took pride in themselves and forsook their created positions w/God; they thought they knew better than God. They were very very wrong and the cost was eternal.

We are entering a time when pride is celebrated; be wise with what you take pride in as the pride is not of God and leads to destruction.

The Wry Pastor

Bible References:
John 14:20-21
John 15:4-6
John 16:8-11
Isaiah 14
Ezekiel 28
Job 1-2
Revelation 12:3-4, 7-9
Luke 10:18
John 8:58
Exodus 3:14
1 Samuel 15:22-23
Deuteronomy 26:16-19
Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 25:31-34; 41,44-46
1 Corinthians 12
Revelation 4:10
Matthew 13:24-30
Acts 19:5
Luke 4:41
Matthew 8:29
May 30, 202353:31
IDGTC - Pneumatology (John 14, 15, & 16)

IDGTC - Pneumatology (John 14, 15, & 16)

In this episode, I want to cover the basics about the study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and what it means to be a Christian. John covers the words of our Christ explaining when, what and how the Holy Spirit would be deployed to believers after His death and resurrection in John, but the full scriptures show that the tabernacling of our Lord was foreshadowed from old.

The main point of the discourse is that Jesus would not be leaving the disciples alone and that He would be with them until the end of the age. The reassurance that we have is that once we are believers, true believers in Jesus, that the deposit of the Holy Spirit remains and we are guided into further submission and obedience of God’s Word.

I cover a lot of ground in this episode so please take notes, rewind, or replay at your leisure.

Thank you all for your support and prayers of this ministry, I appreciate you all!

The Wry Pastor

Ps. The notes and bible scriptures will be added this evening (5/21/2023).
May 21, 202301:00:33
IDGTC - Repentance (1 Samuel 15)

IDGTC - Repentance (1 Samuel 15)

You and I, through faith in Christ Jesus have been justified and made new. The issue is that we still sin, we still fall short despite what we’ve been given through Jesus sacrifice in the cross.

How do we as believers reconcile our falling short with God’s absolute righteousness? How do we maintain a good relationship with Jesus and His holiness when we know what goes on deep inside of us and what we struggle with?

Today’s lesson is based on the truth of scripture that shows what it means to not believe God or trust God and how that impacts one’s relationship with The Almighty. You will see how one man, the first king of Israel was chosen to be king, but this man made errors of judgment based on his skewed perception of Himself despite God’s Providence and His anointing. Saul was given a massive responsibility, but because Saul was insecure, afraid of public scorn, and didn’t see himself as God saw Him, Saul made big mistakes. Saul, from what it appears in scripture, did not repent of his ways and continued on a trajectory of disobedience to God.

The Lord gives us the way to remember His sovereignty and His compassion; He gave us repentance. Your actions of disobedience are covered in His grace, but that reality comes via our submission to His justice and mercy. Repent of your sins and seek after His righteousness; repent and submit to His will.

The Wry Pastor

1 Samuel 1
1 Samuel 2
1 Samuel 3
1 Samuel 4
1 Samuel 5
1 Samuel 6
1 Samuel 7
1 Samuel 8
1 Samuel 9
1 Samuel 10
1 Samuel 11
1 Samuel 12
1 Samuel 13
1 Samuel 14
1 Samuel 15
May 07, 202343:43
IDGTC - Struggle with Sin and Personal Tribulation (Romans 7:13-25)

IDGTC - Struggle with Sin and Personal Tribulation (Romans 7:13-25)

Every person who has come to faith understands that their inclinations always seem to wander away from godliness and obedience to Jesus Christ. We have to admit that we are sinners and that we have struggles, but those struggles do not disqualify us from being in God’s good grace.

We, as believers, just remember that the finished work on the cross and our faith in Jesus because of the cross and because of Resurrection Sunday equates to salvation. You and I are not condemned when we sin, we are still saved. However, you and I do not blatantly disobey God’s commands, but we struggle with the sin that is within us as we live and grown into becoming more like Jesus.

I want you to be encouraged; God is not done with you and you have an assignment that must be fulfilled. Do not turn away from God, no matter what you are experiencing and no matter where you’ve come from. The road in life is hard, but that road is foretold to be difficult because it’s sinful still and hasn’t been fully redeemed; Jesus hasn’t come back yet.

I hope that this message encourages you in your day and in which ever life’s situations that you are experiencing.

God bless you all and I will talk to you soon!

The Wry Pastor
Apr 23, 202355:08
IDGTC - Justification Through Faith (Romans 8:28-30)

IDGTC - Justification Through Faith (Romans 8:28-30)

The full notes will be available later today, but the general gist is that once we as believers understand imputation, we then will understand that God’s righteousness has been given to us via God justifying us. In short, justified means that someone makes someone else right. God makes us right, that’s all we need.

I hope you systematically grasp that God loves you and makes you right by faith.

God bless you and your family today!

The Wry Pastor
Apr 16, 202331:43