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FITBODY Podcast with Julie Lohre

FITBODY Podcast with Julie Lohre


Connect now at ⁠⁠ & Get ready to achieve your best FIT BODY with the FITBODY podcast, hosted by Women's Fitness Expert & IFBB Pro, Julie Lohre. As one of the world's 1st Online Personal Trainers, Julie has helped thousands of women love how they look & feel through her online fitness coaching program. At age 48 and as a 2x breast cancer survivor, she understands the unique challenges women face. Join Julie on a mission to take away the guesswork & help highly driven women supercharge their metabolisms & reach their personal best.
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Tune Into Your Body: How Self Exams Saved My Life Twice! FITBODY Podcast Episode 22

FITBODY Podcast with Julie LohreSep 29, 2023

Meal Prepping for Success - FITBODY Podcast Episode 32

Meal Prepping for Success - FITBODY Podcast Episode 32

Meal Prepping for Success - FITBODY Podcast Episode 32

Apr 10, 202416:08
Knee-Safe Fitness: Worst Leg Exercise for Bad Knees - FITBODY Podcast Episode 31

Knee-Safe Fitness: Worst Leg Exercise for Bad Knees - FITBODY Podcast Episode 31

Knee-Safe Fitness: Worst Leg Exercise for Bad Knees

Discover the essential insights on modifying your leg workout routines to protect your knees.

Whether you're recovering from an injury or looking to prevent one, this episode is packed with invaluable tips on avoiding exercises that could exacerbate knee pain and exploring safer alternatives for achieving lean, defined legs.

Dive into personal experiences, scientific explanations, and professional recommendations tailored for women seeking a balance between fitness goals and knee well-being.

Don't miss out on this crucial conversation for anyone looking to maintain their knee health while pursuing their fitness aspirations.

Mar 29, 202411:12
Strengthen Without Strain: Leg Exercises For Bad Knees - FITBODY Podcast Episode 30

Strengthen Without Strain: Leg Exercises For Bad Knees - FITBODY Podcast Episode 30

"Strengthen Without Strain: The Ultimate Guide to Knee-Safe Leg Workouts,"

In this episode, I'll dive into leg exercises tailored for those dealing with knee pain.

Whether you're battling with the frustration of weak knees or seeking alternatives to high-impact workouts, this episode is your go-to resource. I'll shed some light on the root causes of knee pain during exercise, from weak glutes to stiff hips, and how you can tackle them with targeted, knee-friendly exercises.

I line out a comprehensive selection of exercises categorized into glute activators, hip hinges, and quad strengtheners that promise to fortify your legs without compromising your knee health.

Ideal for women aiming for lean and defined legs while navigating the challenges of knee sensitivity, this episode is packed with expert advice, practical tips, and motivational insights to transform your workout routine into a knee-friendly fitness journey.

Don't let knee pain hold you back from achieving the strong, stable, and sculpted legs you desire. Listen to this episode and take a step towards pain-free leg workouts today!

Mar 27, 202419:51
Effective Weight Management Strategies for Menopause: Nutrition & Exercise FITBODY Podcast Episode 29

Effective Weight Management Strategies for Menopause: Nutrition & Exercise FITBODY Podcast Episode 29

Actionable strategies for weight loss during menopause, focusing on the importance of balanced nutrition and tailored exercise routines.

Key strategies include:

  • Balanced Nutrition: Emphasizing whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. Highlighting the need for calcium, vitamin D for bone health, and high-fiber foods to manage blood sugar levels.
  • Mindful Eating: Importance of portion control and understanding hunger and fullness cues. Adjusting caloric intake to match the reduced energy requirements of menopausal women.
  • Specific Dietary Recommendations: Including calcium and vitamin D-rich foods, managing blood sugar with high-fiber foods, and incorporating antioxidants through berries and green tea.
  • Exercise Routines: Combining aerobic activities (like walking, swimming, cycling) with strength training to maintain muscle mass, boost metabolism, and support bone health. Recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise weekly, with strength training three to four times a week.
  • General Activity: Encouraging an increase in daily steps to at least 10,000, aiming for more to support weight loss efforts.

Julie's approach is comprehensive, tackling both nutrition and physical activity to help women navigate menopause successfully. She advocates for making informed, mindful choices that support overall well-being and weight management during this life phase.

For more information and resources, visit &

Feb 25, 202413:20
Menopause Myths Debunked: Real Insights on Weight Loss & HRT FITBODY Podcast Episode 28

Menopause Myths Debunked: Real Insights on Weight Loss & HRT FITBODY Podcast Episode 28


In the second episode of the FITBODY Podcast series on menopause, I'll dive into debunking common myths about menopause and weight loss. This episode is dedicated to separating facts from fiction, using evidence-based information to empower women navigating menopause.

Key points covered include:

  • Menopause and Weight Gain: Julie clarifies that while hormonal changes can affect body composition, menopause itself is not the direct cause of weight gain. Aging, lifestyle factors, and muscle mass decrease are the primary contributors.
  • Weight Loss Possibility: Contrary to the myth that losing weight during menopause is impossible, Julie emphasizes that with adjusted diet and exercise strategies, weight loss remains achievable.
  • Universal Weight Gain Myth: Not all women gain weight during menopause; factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and health play significant roles in individual weight changes.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Weight Gain: Julie addresses the misconception that HRT leads to weight gain, explaining that while some women may experience mild fluid retention, significant long-term weight gain is not a common side effect of HRT.
  • Targeting Menopausal Belly Fat: The episode also tackles the belief that belly fat cannot be reduced during menopause. Julie suggests a comprehensive approach including cardiovascular exercise, strength training, a healthy diet, and stress management as effective strategies for reducing abdominal fat.

Julie aims to provide women with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the challenges of menopause confidently. She promises practical strategies for weight loss in menopause in the upcoming episode, emphasizing the importance of a mindful approach to body changes.

For more information and resources, visit &

Feb 17, 202411:20
Mastering Menopause: Transformative Strategies for Weight Management and Wellbeing FITBODY Podcast Episode 27

Mastering Menopause: Transformative Strategies for Weight Management and Wellbeing FITBODY Podcast Episode 27

Welcome to this episode of the FITBODY Podcast series on mastering menopause.

This episode dives into the biological effects of menopause on weight, metabolism, and body composition.

This episode covers:

  • The challenges of weight loss during perimenopause and menopause due to hormonal changes.
  • The biology of menopause, including estrogen's role in metabolism and fat distribution.
  • Practical advice for maintaining muscle mass, which is crucial for metabolic rate during menopause.
  • Nutrition and exercise tips tailored for menopausal women, focusing on mindful eating and workouts that enhance metabolism.
  • Debunking myths surrounding menopause and weight loss, providing evidence-based information.

Julie aims to empower women to thrive during menopause by understanding their bodies and adopting healthy lifestyle habits. The podcast also previews future episodes on separating menopause facts from fiction and offers strategies for effective weight management.

For more information and resources, visit &

Feb 10, 202407:59
Unleashing UMP in the Kitchen - Cooking With Protein Powder - FITBODY Podcast Episode 26

Unleashing UMP in the Kitchen - Cooking With Protein Powder - FITBODY Podcast Episode 26

Unleashing UMP in the Kitchen - Cooking With Protein Powder - FITBODY Podcast Episode 26

Join in this episode of the FITBODY Podcast: 'Unleashing UMP in the Kitchen' as we dive into the world of culinary creativity with protein powder.

Discover the incredible benefits of incorporating protein powder into your cooking and learn all about the versatile UMP Protein.

From savory to sweet, we'll explore mouthwatering recipes, cooking techniques, and the science behind this protein-packed ingredient.

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking to elevate your meals, this podcast will be your ultimate guide to cooking with protein powder.

Check out for more information and to order UMP Protein Powder!

Oct 18, 202312:14
What type of protein is best for your goals? - FITBODY Podcast Episode 25

What type of protein is best for your goals? - FITBODY Podcast Episode 25

In this FITBODY podcast episode, we unravel the secrets to achieving lean, sculpted muscles and shedding excess body fat, with a particular focus on the unique benefits of various protein types tailored for women.

Join me as we explore and demystify the world of protein powders, including milk protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, whey protein isolate, micellar casein, and egg white protein.

Discover how these protein sources play distinct roles in building and preserving lean muscle while supporting fat loss. We also will look into the science behind each protein's amino acid profile, absorption rates, and muscle-building potential.

By the end of this episode, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to harness the power of different protein varieties to achieve your fitness goals, ultimately empowering you to sculpt a strong, confident, and healthy physique.

Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just embarking on your journey to a more toned and energized self, this podcast provides valuable insights to help you make informed dietary choices and take meaningful steps towards your ideal physique.

Check out for more information and to order UMP Protein Powder!

Oct 11, 202313:09
Breast Cancer Hormone Receptor Status - FITBODY Podcast Episode 24

Breast Cancer Hormone Receptor Status - FITBODY Podcast Episode 24

FITBODY Podcast - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Breast Cancer Hormone Receptor Status

Sep 29, 202317:32
What is breast cancer, how it’s classified and other stats - FITBODY Podcast Episode 23

What is breast cancer, how it’s classified and other stats - FITBODY Podcast Episode 23

FITBODY Podcast - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - What is breast cancer, how it’s classified and other stats

Sep 29, 202316:08
Tune Into Your Body: How Self Exams Saved My Life Twice! FITBODY Podcast Episode 22

Tune Into Your Body: How Self Exams Saved My Life Twice! FITBODY Podcast Episode 22

Tune Into Your Body: How Self Exams Saved My Life Twice! FITBODY Podcast Episode 22

In today's episode, I want to share a deeply personal journey with you. I've faced breast cancer twice in 3 years, and I genuinely believe that my commitment to monthly self breast examinations played a pivotal role in detecting it early. I'll guide you through the exact techniques I use for self-exams, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge to notice any changes in your body.

While self-exams are incredibly important, they're a complement to regular mammograms, not a replacement. I have had the benefit of multiple detection techniques - self breast examinations, doctor assisted exams, diagnostic mammograms, breast ultrasounds, and breast MRI's. WIth my first breast cancer diagnosis, I opted for breast conserving therapy with a lumpectomy and radiation followed by hormone therapy. With my second primary breast cancer diagnosis, I choose a skin and nipple sparing mastectomy with tissue expander placement. Join me today as we dive deep into the importance of early detection, and how staying in tune with your body can be a game-changer. Let's empower ourselves and potentially save lives together.

Join me today as we dive deep into the importance of early detection, and how staying in tune with your body can be a game-changer. Let's empower ourselves and potentially save lives together.

Check out my full breast cancer journey here:

Sep 29, 202309:18
Second Primary Breast Cancer: Seriously, again?!? An Intimate Journey - FITBODY Podcast Episode 21

Second Primary Breast Cancer: Seriously, again?!? An Intimate Journey - FITBODY Podcast Episode 21

Second Primary Breast Cancer: Seriously, again?!? An Intimate Journey FITBODY Podcast with Julie Lohre After triumphing over breast cancer once, life threw me another curveball, and I found myself facing this challenge head-on once more. Through this podcast, I invite you into my world, from the first lump detection to the intricate details of my treatment. I'll delve into the significance of self-breast exams, explaining the vital differences between a cancer recurrence and a second primary onset. As someone committed to fitness and wellness, I also discuss the importance of staying active and mentally strong throughout such a trying experience. My hope is that by sharing my story, I can inspire, educate, and serve as a beacon of hope for others traveling this path. Join me in raising awareness and emphasizing the significance of early detection. Let's champion our health together!

Check out my full breast cancer journey here:

Sep 29, 202313:04
My First Breast Cancer Journey - The 18-Month Gap from Feeling to Finding Out - FITBODY Podcast Episode 20

My First Breast Cancer Journey - The 18-Month Gap from Feeling to Finding Out - FITBODY Podcast Episode 20

When I was 44, I felt a palpable lump in my left breast, small, but actually visible beneath my skin. Over the next year and a half, I had multiple doctors appoints, each followed by diagnostic mammograms and ultrasounds. With my dense breast tissue it was difficult to image, but the thought was that this lump was a fibroadenoma. The best course of action, watch and wait. I was scheduled for follow-up mammograms and ultrasounds every 6 months.

Finally, at 46, after meeting our medical deductible for the year, I pushed to have that small lump biopsied after one of the follow-ups. When the diagnosis of Invasive Lobular Carcinoma - Breast Cancer, came back, I was totally caught off guard and devastated.

In this podcast, I take you through that initial diagnosis, my decision to have breast conserving therapy with the combination of a lumpectomy and radiation followed by hormone therapy with tamoxifen.

I am lucky to have caught breast cancer early through monthly self breast exams. I hope my story empowers women to be their own health advocates, to listen to their bodies, and to stand up for what they need in medical care.

But this is just part one of my story... check back for my podcast on my second breast cancer diagnosis.

Check out my full breast cancer journey here:

At FITBODY Podcast - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - My Breast Cancer Journey

Sep 29, 202310:57
Healthy Fats & Protein for Optimal Women's Health - FITBODY Podcast Episode 19

Healthy Fats & Protein for Optimal Women's Health - FITBODY Podcast Episode 19

Healthy Fats & Protein for Optimal Women's Health - FITBODY Podcast Episode 19

In this episode of the FITBODY podcast with Julie Lohre, women's fitness expert and online personal trainer, we will dive into the need for healthy fats and proteins to achieve optimal health, fitness & wellness. While the focus is on increasing and finding these nutrients for women in their 30's and beyond, it applies to younger women and men as well.

So, join Julie in this episode to learn about how she incorporates these macronutrients into her diet as well as how she helps her clients find ways to add them into theirs.

As promised in the show, here are links to sources for Healthy Fats and Proteins:

EFA Gold:

UMP Protein:

And, as always, for more health, fitness and nutrition information, visit

Jul 31, 202309:44
Powerful Home Workouts - FITBODY Podcast Episode 18

Powerful Home Workouts - FITBODY Podcast Episode 18

Powerful Home Workouts: Unlocking Motivation and Getting Results

Welcome to the latest episode of the FITBODY podcast, where we dive into the incredible world of home fitness and its numerous benefits. In this episode, we explore the convenience, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of working out in the comfort of your own home.

Discover how to maximize your results and unlock the immense potential of home fitness. Whether you're a seasoned home workout enthusiast or just getting started, this episode will provide you with valuable tips, guidance, and inspiration to take your fitness journey to new heights.

Tune in and embark on a transformative path to health and wellness right from the comfort of your own home.

Visit for more great fitness information!

Jul 24, 202316:30
Anaerobic vs. Aerobic: Choosing the Right Exercise Pathway for Your Goals - FITBODY Podcast Episode 17
Jul 17, 202309:28
Good to Great with more veggies - focus on the small changes - FITBODY Podcast Episode 16
Jul 10, 202313:40
Shedding pounds with the help of science - FITBODY Podcast Episode 15

Shedding pounds with the help of science - FITBODY Podcast Episode 15

Welcome to the FITBODY Podcast. In this episode I'll share science-backed weight loss hacks that are guaranteed to transform your body and life. With proven strategies that go beyond the traditional advice, I'll guide you through several proven techniques to achieve your dream physique. Discover how everyday activities can burn calories, why mindful eating is essential for better food choices, and the surprising benefits of swapping red meat for plant-based alternatives. I'll also reveal the role of chewing gum in curbing snacking urges and the importance of quality sleep and hydration in your weight loss journey. Get ready to revolutionize your approach to weight loss and discover the science-based methods that really work.

Jun 23, 202313:12
Short and Sweet: Unleashing Your Purpose - Focus And Reflection

Short and Sweet: Unleashing Your Purpose - Focus And Reflection

"Unleashing Purpose: Evaluating Alignment for Daily Success"

Welcome to another episode of the FITBODY Podcast, where we explore topics that empower you to live a purpose-driven, successful and healthy life. In today's episode, we briefly delve into the power of purpose and how evaluating its alignment with your daily actions can pave the way for achievement and fulfillment.

Purpose serves as a guiding force, providing meaning and direction in our lives. When we understand the purpose behind our efforts, we stay motivated, focused, and aligned with what truly matters to us. It is essential to regularly evaluate our purpose to reassess our goals, priorities, and the actions required to achieve them.

One powerful technique is to write down your purpose. Research shows that writing down our purpose has a profound impact on our commitment and follow-through. Take a few moments each day to jot down your purpose or review what you've written, whether it's in the morning to set intentions or in the evening to reflect on the day's accomplishments. This practice enhances clarity, reinforces motivation, and serves as a reminder of what truly matters to you.

Evaluating alignment is crucial for daily success. Regularly review your purpose statement against your daily actions to gauge if you're on track. Examine the actions you took throughout the day and assess if they align with your purpose and goals. If there is a misalignment, identify areas where adjustments can be made. This could involve shifts in mindset, habits, or priorities to realign with your purpose and ensure that your daily actions support your overarching goals.

To maintain alignment, incorporate dedicated moments of reflection into your daily routine. Prioritize tasks and activities based on their relevance to your purpose, allowing you to make conscious choices that drive you closer to your goals. Additionally, seeking accountability and support by sharing your purpose with trusted individuals can provide guidance and encouragement along your journey.

Evaluating the alignment between your purpose and daily actions is crucial for achieving success and fulfillment. By writing down your purpose, reviewing it regularly, and assessing alignment, you empower yourself to make intentional choices that bring you closer to your goals. Your purpose is your compass—let it guide you to live a life of purpose and impact.

Note: These condensed show notes capture the essence of the podcast.

Jun 03, 202303:31
Cracking the Hunger Code: Unraveling the Battle Between Physical and Emotional Hunger

Cracking the Hunger Code: Unraveling the Battle Between Physical and Emotional Hunger

Physical vs. Emotional Hunger

If you've ever wondered about the difference between genuine hunger and emotional cravings, this episode is a must-listen.

In this podcast, we explore the distinct signs of physical hunger and the emotional triggers that lead to cravings. You'll gain practical strategies to manage emotional hunger and make conscious, nourishing choices aligned with your true needs.

Tune in to the FITBODY podcast to uncover the mysteries of Physical vs. Emotional Hunger and transform your relationship with food and well-being.

May 18, 202312:26
The Healthy Restaurant Survival Guide: Staying on Track While Eating Out

The Healthy Restaurant Survival Guide: Staying on Track While Eating Out

Welcome to today's episode of the FITBODY podcast! Today we will be discussing the topic of "Eating Healthy at Restaurants." Many people believe that eating out means sacrificing their healthy eating habits or being relegated to eating a boring salad. But, it doesn't have to be that way! There are several ways to eat out and still stay on track with your health and fitness goals.

Alternative Sides: One way to make your meal healthier is to swap out the sides. Instead of fries, opt for steamed vegetables or a side salad. Most restaurants will accommodate this request. By doing this, you are adding more nutrients and vitamins to your meal.

No Oil or Butter: Another way to eat healthy at restaurants is to ask for no oil or butter on your food. Many restaurants cook their food in oil or butter, which can add unnecessary calories and fat to your meal. By asking for your food to be cooked without these added ingredients, you are cutting down on the calorie count and making your meal healthier.

Sauces on the Side: Most sauces that come with restaurant meals are loaded with sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Instead of asking for no sauce, ask for the sauce to be served on the side. This way, you can control how much sauce you add to your meal, and you can choose to have just a little or none at all.

No More Boring Salads: Many people believe that the only way to eat healthy at a restaurant is to order a salad. However, this is not the case. There are plenty of other options that can be just as healthy, such as grilled chicken, fish, or vegetables. Don't be afraid to ask for modifications to your meal to make it healthier.

Conclusion: Eating healthy at restaurants doesn't have to be a challenge. By swapping out sides, asking for no oil or butter, and requesting sauces on the side, you can make your meals healthier. And remember, you don't have to eat a salad every time you go out to eat. There are plenty of other ways to eat out and stay on track with your health and fitness goals. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll see you in the next episode!

May 11, 202311:15
Reality Check: Fighting the Dangerous Lies We Tell Ourselves

Reality Check: Fighting the Dangerous Lies We Tell Ourselves

Show Notes:

In this episode of the FITBODY podcast, I talk about the lies we tell ourselves that hold us back from achieving our goals. We will explores the most dangerous lies that we often believe, such as "when I get X, then I'll be happy", "this is just who I am", and "I don't have time for this". I'll give you some actionable steps on how to reframe these lies and find joy in the process of getting toward our goals. We will also start the process of identifying priorities, taking pride in consistent efforts, and embrace the fact that you are capable of incredible change.

Thank you for listening to the FITBODY podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and rate/review us on your preferred listening platform.

Your support means a lot to us and helps us reach more people who could benefit from our fitness, health, and nutrition advice.

Don't forget to check out for more resources, including my online personal training programs.

Let's continue our journey to supercharge our health and get to our personal best!

May 04, 202311:19
Activate Your Assets: The Method Behind Glute Activation Exercises

Activate Your Assets: The Method Behind Glute Activation Exercises

In this episode, we're tackling a common issue that many people face in their fitness journeys: finding effective glute activation exercises. The gluteus-maximus, the largest muscle in your body, can be challenging to activate properly, which is necessary for growth and engagement in movements.

But it's not just about aesthetics when it comes to round and lifted glutes. Your butt muscles are critical stabilizers for everyday movements, so it's important to make sure they're strong.

Glute activation exercises are designed to help activate or “turn on” your glutes so that they are able to do their jobs and contribute appropriately when you’re doing squats, deadlifts, lunges, and any lower body exercise that involves the glutes. These exercises can help you build a mind-muscle connection and ensure that your glutes are fully active during your workout (for big lifts like squats or deadlifts) and you are not compensating by overusing other muscles involved in the lift

Join us as we discuss the best glute activation exercises, why developing glute strength is crucial, and the benefits of glute activation with good form. Whether you're looking to enhance your curves or improve your functional fitness, this episode has something for you. Get ready to activate those glutes and take your fitness to the next level!

Check out my site for more info on Glute Activations and Exercises:

Apr 18, 202313:11
Should I workout with muscle soreness?

Should I workout with muscle soreness?

Should I workout with muscle soreness?

Welcome to the FITBODY Podcast, where we discuss everything related to health and fitness.

In this episode, we tackle a question that many gym-goers ask themselves: should I workout with muscle soreness?

Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, you've likely experienced muscle soreness at some point. While it can be uncomfortable, some people believe that pushing through the pain is the key to progress. However, others argue that rest and recovery are just as important.

In this episode, we'll explore both sides of the debate and provide you with some tips on how to best approach working out with muscle soreness.

So, let's dive in and get started!

Apr 04, 202311:17
To Tune In or Tune Out? The Great Music-Exercise Debate!

To Tune In or Tune Out? The Great Music-Exercise Debate!

To Tune In or Tune Out? The Great Music-Exercise Debate!

In today's episode, we'll be exploring the question on many gym-goers' minds: Should you listen to music during exercise?

As it turns out, the relationship between music and exercise is a complex one. Numerous studies have shown that listening to music while exercising can boost your mood, reduce your perceived effort, and even improve your endurance.

In this episode, we'll take a look at the science of music and exercise, exploring the benefits and specifics for working out to your favorite tunes.

Mar 28, 202306:18
The Secrets to Staying Fit Over 40 and Beyond

The Secrets to Staying Fit Over 40 and Beyond

The Secrets to Staying Fit Over 40 and Beyond...

Have you ever wondered, is it possible to be fit over 40? Have you seen women in their forties, fifties, and sixties who have incredible abs and perfectly sculpted butts? Are they spending hours upon hours in the gym and snacking on celery all the time? If you've ever wondered if it's possible to be fit, stay fit, or get fit over 40, I have some really good news for you. It is possible. In fact, I'm proof. Just before I turned 48 this year, I took part in a fitness photo shoot that ended up on the cover of our newest Fit Body magazine. I'm a mo, a wife, a mom, and an entrepreneur running the Fit Body brand. Let me tell you, time is tight. I definitely don't have the luxury of spending hours upon hours a day working out and planning meticulously every single ounce of food that I eat.

Let's just say this Fit Woman over 40 has an appetite! I actually happen to like celery, but I'm also partial to burgers and wine too. 

So how do you do it? How do you become fit over 40 just after menopause? 

Yep, I am post-menopausal with hormone shifting) skin sagging in your energy waning. Whether you're noticing that it's easier to gain weight now or that the same old tricks that used to help you drop 10 pounds just aren't working anymore. 

I'm gonna share with you today some of my best secrets for keeping fit or forgetting fit if you are over 40. 

Tip #1
Women that are fit over 40, know that vegetables and fruit are nutritional gems with tons of nutrients and super low in calories. That's not even talking about the fiber! Veggies in particular are super filling and help stave off hunger, allowing you to eat less total calories in your quest to stay fit. I suggest filling your plate half full with vegetables for lunch and dinner meals, and then including fruit as a snack once or twice a day. Whole fruits like grapefruit berries, along with leafy green vegetables are excellent choices. Fill up on your fruits in your vegetables. Don't be afraid of them.

...Listen to the podcast for more or check out my website at for more fitness information!

Mar 21, 202314:19
FIT BODY, FIT MIND: Unleashing Your Full Potential

FIT BODY, FIT MIND: Unleashing Your Full Potential

Mental Muscle: Unlocking the secrets of fitness and wellbeing and why the mind body connection matters.

In this episode we will explore the relationship between physical fitness and mental wellbeing, and how these two aspects of health can interact to unlock your full potential. We discuss the science supporting the connection between exercise and mental health, as well as strategies for incorporating physical activity into daily life to improve both physical and mental health. I also explore the concept of a "growth mindset" and how it can help you reach their fitness and health goals, as well as discuss how to overcome common obstacles to staying active and motivated. In this episode, I aim to provide practical advice and inspiration for my listeners to achieve greater health and fitness, and to unleash their full potential in all aspects of life.

Mar 15, 202318:09
The Secrets to Consistency: Five Simple Tips to Crush It With Diet and Nutrition

The Secrets to Consistency: Five Simple Tips to Crush It With Diet and Nutrition

Five simple tips to stay consistent with diet...

Welcome to today's episode of the FITBODY podcast! 

If you're looking for simple and effective ways to improve your eating habits, you're in the right place. In this episode, we'll be sharing five powerful tips that can help you stay on track with your healthy eating goals.
I'll give you real life examples of things I do and share some tricks for avoiding falling off track with my nutrition. I'll dive into the benefits of eating unlimited vegetables, and share other ideas that you might not have considered when thinking about how to create consistency without depriving yourself. 

Whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, these tips are sure to help you achieve your goals and feel your best. So, grab a pen and paper and let's get started!

Mar 02, 202308:39
5 Things I Wish Women Knew Before Starting To Work-Out

5 Things I Wish Women Knew Before Starting To Work-Out

As I think back to some of the things I've learned, both personally and in training women, I have come up with the top 5 things I wish women knew before they started to work out.  I've seen women make these mistakes over and over again and wanted to help you by giving you tips on how to avoid these mistakes and giving you a few secret insights into supercharging your health and fitness journey.

Feb 17, 202309:08
4 Signs You May Need To Reverse Diet

4 Signs You May Need To Reverse Diet

Do you feel stuck with your weight loss? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels? Do you feel like you've been working really hard? Dieting really hard? BUT STILL NOT SEEING PROGRESS? I just got off the phone with a brand new client. She's been working out hard for years. 5x a week she's lifting, running, her diet is on point...but she's not making the kind of changes that those kind of efforts should deliver.
If you're ffeeling like you're not seeing what you should be given  your efforts, it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate.
Here are some things I've learned and the signs that you might need to recognize to eat more and reverse diet in order to lose weight. 

Feb 03, 202309:39
Cortisol, Stress and Weight Loss - What's the deal?

Cortisol, Stress and Weight Loss - What's the deal?

In this episode, Julie talks specifically about the connection between stress, cortisol, and weight gain. If you live a high-stress life, you NEED to listen to this. The connection between these could be what is holding you back from your health and fitness goals.

Jan 20, 202318:03
Heck with long term focus, start with the easy!

Heck with long term focus, start with the easy!

In this episode, I’ll break down with you how to start building long-term focus by focusing on the “easy”. This new nonsense approach will help you make strides quickly and build habits that will last! I want to help you get the FIT BODY of your dreams!

Jan 06, 202305:03
FITBODY Podcast - A little about the podcast

FITBODY Podcast - A little about the podcast

Ready to get your best FIT BODY? Welcome to the FITBODY podcast! 

I am Julie Lohre, a Women's Fitness Expert, IFBB Pro & 2x Breast Cancer Survivor. In 2004, I became one of the world's 1st online personal trainers & have worked with thousands of women since. My passion is helping women love how they look & how they feel.

Let's be real. You need a no-nonsense way to stay motivated & accountable in a world that can feel like it is swirling around you. 

My mission is to take away the guesswork for highly driven women ready to supercharge their metabolisms & get to their personal best.

Jan 01, 201301:33
Welcome to the FITBODY Podcast

Welcome to the FITBODY Podcast

Ready to get the FITBODY of your dreams? Welcome to the FITBODY podcast!

I am Julie Lohre. An IFBB Fitness Pro, certified personal trainer, and nutrition coach. Back in 2004, I created one of the world’s first online personal training programs and have helped thousands of women transform their bodies and their lives online ever since.

I have been featured in fitness magazines worldwide and even competed on American Ninja Warrior but my passion is helping women love both how the look AND how they feel.

But, let’s be real. It is information overload out there and it is hard to know what to do. You need a no-nonsense way to stay motivated and accountable in a world that can feel like it is swirling around you.

My mission is to take away the guesswork with for highly driven women ready to super charge their metabolisms and get to their personal best. I am happy you're here!
Dec 31, 201200:58