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Social Skills Unscripted

Social Skills Unscripted

By Steph West, Starfish Social Club

Can we help our neurodivergent kids and teens have more successful social interactions WITHOUT relying on rewards and consequences? I'm Steph West, and my guests and I share strategies and techniques for helping autistic and ADHD kids become more socially competent, confident, and connected so they can make and keep friends! (PS. I also teach people how to start a social club like mine in their own community!) You can find more about me and my program at
Currently playing episode

Creating an emotionally safe environment for kids to participate, when kids wait to be invited to play, and navigating pretend play

Social Skills UnscriptedMar 28, 2023

8 things I've learned from teaching social skills for 8 years

8 things I've learned from teaching social skills for 8 years

This month is Starfish Social Club's 8th birthday! That means it's now older than some of our students! 


I've been reflecting on all the things I've learned from teaching social skills over the last 8 years. It's been an amazing experience and opportunity, and I'm incredibly grateful to be able to do something I love so much.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm sharing the 8 (actually 9) most important things I've learned with and from our kids. Some of the things have to do with how I work with the kids, and some have to do with how I've changed my own thinking and behavior as a result.


Here's a clip from the episode:


It just really made me realize how I had a problem with something that one of the kids said that nobody else had a problem with, especially the kid who he said it to. That was my problem. That was my interpretation, my perception, and I was wrong. And that was just such an interesting moment for me realizing that, as much as I try to be more of a facilitator with the students and let them interact and engage with each other with my support, but I... one of my goals is really for them to be able to give each other feedback and, you know, engage with each other, and I'm just there to kind of support and facilitate, I interjected myself into that situation. And I was wrong.


So I just really, I love that moment because it taught me so much. It taught me that sometimes the things that bother us, nobody else cares about. And it's because we are interpreting it differently than anybody else. So I really try to think about that now when I see interactions with... with kids and sometimes somebody will say or do something and I'll want to interject, and then I'll just remember, I may be wrong. I may be misperceiving this.

May 20, 202401:24:02
Autistic dating, with Jen and Kim from The Mix

Autistic dating, with Jen and Kim from The Mix

While our social groups and summer camp here at Starfish Social Club are geared towards kids and teens, kids and teens grow into adults! At some point along the way, the focus often shifts from making friends to dating and romantic relationships.


We talked about romantic relationships a bit this month in the module our students are currently going through, but it's not something we spend a lot of time on. That's why I'm glad there are other people who do focus on dating for those of us who are neurodivergent!


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking about autistic dating with Jen and Kim from The Mix. They are dating coaches and have created a platform for autistic adults to meet, mingle, and form relationships. 


Here's a clip from the episode:

Practicing ahead of time what you can expect, but also planning to say, “This isn't going the way I want to so when this happens, I'm going to do this. If this happens, I'm going to do this.” You know, for the… even down to simple conversation starters. So having some conversation starters or some things that you're willing to share back and forth. That's a… that's part of a plan.


And then if somebody starts talking about something that maybe makes you uncomfortable, saying, “Oh, I'm not quite comfortable with this, let's talk about this.” Or a way to segue into something else. And just really, it's knowing that it's okay to feel however you you feel and embracing if you're sitting there in silence for a few minutes. That's okay, too. You know, just… just discovering all of the different possibilities and the… a lot of times we all play as humans the ‘what if game’. And that's fun for a little bit, but then it, it could really get you caught up in your own head doing the ‘what ifs’ for… for a little bit of time. But then also having a plan for… having a plan for not having a plan.

Where to find The Mix Dating:

IG: themixdating

May 13, 202442:39
Things parents misunderstand about autistic/ADHD friendships

Things parents misunderstand about autistic/ADHD friendships

I'm going through a 'life phase' right now where I'm learning and doing and trying a bunch of new things. 


Some days I feel a bit frustrated that I didn't know some of these things sooner, or that I have never done something like this before, or that I'm as old as I am and this is all new to me. 


And then I cut myself some slack because it's not like there's a manual for all the things we need to know in life. 


It's very much the same when it comes to the social world. There is no manual for how things work socially. This is why I don't believe in there being a 'right' or 'wrong' way to do things. 


I have learned, however, that there are strategies and techniques that are more likely to lead to the outcomes we want, and those that are less likely to do so. Here at Starfish, I teach students the strategies that are more likely to lead to better relationships with others.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm sharing the things we as adults misunderstand about our kids making friends including some things I have done myself in my 'former life'! My goal with this episode is to help all of us be a little more aware of how we may actually be making it harder for our kids, and what we can do instead.


Here's a clip from the episode:


I think it's really important that, if we as the adults have a goal, a desire, a wish, a dream for our kiddo to have more friends, that they also have that goal or desire or wish or dream, even if they're not consciously aware of it. It may be things that you've heard your child say. Maybe you've heard them mention that they don't have friends. Or maybe you've heard them make comments about how other people have friends, maybe they've noticed that. Maybe they don't talk about the word 'friend' specifically, but they talk about feeling lonely or feeling left out or feeling different.


These are all things our kids may say that help us recognize that they're feeling a lack of connection to their peers. So it doesn't have to be that they've specifically talked about friends, but just that we've noticed they have noticed that they're feeling a bit disconnected from their peers. That's what we're looking for. If you don't notice that in your kiddo right now, it's okay. It may just be the phase of social development that they're in right now that they don't really notice or recognize that they don't have friends. 

May 06, 202446:45
Supporting the brain holistically, with Christine MacCarroll

Supporting the brain holistically, with Christine MacCarroll

Last week a friend of mine posted a picture on Facebook of a messageboard with a cryptic message that I couldn't uncrack. I scrolled through the comments and saw that it's 'court reporter speak'. I have zero familiarity with this 'language', and seeing it made me even more confused as to how it's actually useful!


It's interesting how we all interpret things differently. How two people can look at a picture or a situation or a person and see two completely different things.

The message on the board in court reporter language is the Serenity Prayer. The one about accepting the things we cannot change and changing the things we can. 


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking to Christine MacCarroll about her experience seeing her child's challenges differently than others were seeing them. It's an amazing story about how Christine realized there were things that she could change that ultimately led to a completely different outcome for her daughter.


Here's a clip from the episode:

The brain is literally the only thing where we're not looking at the health of the organ when we're talking about symptoms, right? So if we're talking about heart health, we would never talk about heart health and then not be talking about saturated fat and fiber, right? But we really talk about symptoms that are related to the brain, and we don't talk about the health of the brain or the needs of the brain. And so the energy factories inside of our cells, which are the mitochondria, are super, super hungry and active in the brain. And so if we're not feeding them what they need, then they're just not going to be able to run right. And then the things that are symptomatic for someone, like not being able to focus or sit still or having executive function issues, those are just going to be amplified because the actual organ doesn't have what it needs to run, right?

And so my analogy for this is: If you want to build a brick house, you have to use bricks. And it seems really simple, but you can't use toilet paper. And you could bring me an entire semi-truck of toilet paper, but if you want to brick house, you need bricks. And so your brain needs certain bricks. So having balanced blood sugar means to me that you have provided energy at a nice regular pace where your brain has the energy that it needs on a regular basis. 

Where to find Christine:

IG: Christine.MacCarroll

Apr 29, 202401:08:43
Things your autistic/ADHD kid doesn't understand about friends

Things your autistic/ADHD kid doesn't understand about friends

In our weekly social groups, we are finally talking about friends! We've been building up to this point for a while. 


Any time we learn something new, there's also some unlearning that has to happen. That's what has been going on in our groups: I am helping students unlearn what they THINK friendship is. Over the years, I've realized and recognized several different misconceptions our kids have when it comes to who friends are, and how to actually make them.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm sharing these misconceptions, why they matter, and what actually has to happen for our kids (or anyone, really) to make friends.


Here's a clip from the episode:

You may be thinking, wondering, why does it really matter? Why does it matter if my kiddo refers to other people as friends, even when they're not? Why does it matter if my kiddo thinks he has 14 friends even when he doesn't? It matters because the expectations... the social expectations between acquaintances and friends are different.

A great example is that we are expected to engage in small talk when we run into one of our acquaintances. But even things like the question: How's it going? Or: How are you? When an acquaintance asks us that question, the expected response is the social fake. It's something like, 'I'm good', 'I'm okay, how are you?' Even if we're not good, or if we're not okay. With an acquaintance, we're just trying to be polite and friendly. And so usually we do the social fake, even if things aren't really so great. It would be really awkward for an acquaintance to ask us how we're doing and for us to unload on them about how we've had a really rough day.

Apr 22, 202449:35
When your neurodivergent kid is socially AND physically awkward, with Niki McGlynn

When your neurodivergent kid is socially AND physically awkward, with Niki McGlynn

I really love learning new things, especially when those things help me figure out more about myself. I had no idea that was going to be the case when I scheduled an interview with this week's guest, Niki McGlynn.


The more Niki talked about her work with primitive reflexes, the more I realized she was describing so many of the things that are a challenge for me physically. From my over-the-top startle reflex to my inability to look behind me while cycling without crashing, Niki had an explanation (and, more importantly, a solution) for it all.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, Niki and I are going deep into the topic of primitive reflexes. What are they, how does their inability to integrate affect how we think, feel, and operate in the world, and what can be done for people like me who apparently are very dis-integrated?


Here's a clip from the episode:


Steph: I can think about a physical activity and I can know that I can't do it. I can't jump. I can't jump! I don't understand the process that allows people to jump. And so if I just stand straight, I get, like, very little clearance off the ground. I would never try to run and jump over an object. Never. I don't understand the mechanics of jumping. 


Niki: This is why... this is why I love reflex integration. Because... because if we could integrate your reflexes, you'd be able to do that. And it sounds like a tiny thing but when you can't do something that everybody else can do, it's really frustrating because you go, 'well, what's wrong with me?' Why is it... you know, I mean, and this is a typical story I think of ... of adult diagnosis of ADHD and autism and dyslexia and everything is you spend your whole life going, 'Well, what's wrong with me? Why can everybody else do it and I can't do it? You know, clearly, I'm a weirdo.' But actually no, it's just that actually, you've got a neurodevelopmental issue. And integrating reflexes can help.

Where to find Niki:

Niki McGlynn

Apr 15, 202401:06:32
Who is your child, really?

Who is your child, really?

One of the most important needs we all have as humans (once our basic needs are met) is the need to be seen for who we are. 


If you think about the people in your life that are the most important to you, chances are it's because they make you feel seen for who you are. They love you, they care about you, they respect you. Even when you've had a rough day. Even when you mess up. Even when things aren't going well. Even when you aren't sure who you are.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm exploring the question of who our kids really are. 

I've recently made some changes in my life and it's shown me that sometimes who we think we are is based on everything EXCEPT us. It's based on who others want us to be, who we wanted to be when we were younger, even who we want to stop being, but can't.

I'm also sharing strategies for how to help your kids uncover who they really are, and how to love the child that is in front of you.


Here's a clip from the episode:

We aren't learning who we are, as we get older. We're unlearning who we thought we were. And that quote really resonates with me because I think we're all our truest selves when we're about four and five years old. I think we can look at four- and five-year-olds and we can have a good idea of what that child enjoys, what they like, who they are, what's important to them, what's meaningful to them, what their personality is like. And then, kind of society at large just jumps in and we start kind of molding kids into what we think they should be, in order to have a job. In order to get accepted to college. In order to have friends. In order to fit in. Whatever the case may be. In order to not be so difficult. And I think a lot of the personalities, especially of our kids, tend to get smushed in the process. 

Praise episode:

Autism awareness episode:

Apr 08, 202401:12:30
Balancing parent and child boundaries, with Rose Clark

Balancing parent and child boundaries, with Rose Clark

Have you ever noticed how much the way you were raised influences the way you parent/teach? Honestly, I think it was a big factor in my decision to NOT have kids.


These human brains of ours only know what we've been exposed to, so they carry on with what we have been taught or have experienced. They just don't know any better. 


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, Rose Clark and I are talking about how to maintain your boundaries AND those of your child! I found this conversation with Rose very impactful for a few reasons:


1) She taught me strategies I have never been exposed to. And I've been doing this for a while...


2) I didn't agree with some of the tactics she was proposing, and I openly questioned them. Her responses were genuine and brilliant, and totally won me over. (Isn't it great to have a logical conversation with another rational human once in a while?)


3) We had similar upbringings, and I always love to meet people who use what they have experienced to help others avoid those same experiences.


Here's a clip from the episode:


What ends up happening when we're raised in this reward and punishment paradigm I guess we call it, we start to lose our connection to our preferences. We start to lose our connection to what we like and what we dislike and our needs and all those things. Because those are the things that are getting us in trouble. We're following who we are, we're following these feelings that kind of push us towards doing things. And we learn that we have to get really good at knowing what our parents, our caregivers, our teachers like and dislike, right? What they prefer, what their preferences are. The thing is, our likes and dislikes, I learned this from Language of Listening, our likes and dislikes are what make up our identity.


And so when we're setting aside our preferences and setting aside our awareness and our connection to them, we're setting aside who we are. And then we start to base our identity on these other people. And then we become adults and we don't know where our boundaries are. So we can either pick up and have the exact same boundaries as the people that raised us, but some of us are finding we don't like those boundaries or the way that they were held. And so we're left with what? We don't know what.

How to find Rose:

Love the Way You Parent on FB and IG

Apr 01, 202401:12:18
What to do when your autistic/ADHD child doesn't have friends

What to do when your autistic/ADHD child doesn't have friends

The number one reason parents register their kids for either the group program here at Starfish Social Club or my 1/1 support is because they recognize their child doesn't have friends. This can be a very emotional and pivotal point for parents.


But you know what event may be even more important? When kids recognize this for themselves. When our kids first start to realize they don't have anyone to play with. Or that other kids avoid them. Or that no one ever asks for their number or invites them places.


This time in the lives of our kids is important for two reasons: It means our kiddos are developing their senses of self- and social awareness, and it also means they are more likely to be open and receptive to strategies and solutions.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm sharing my strategies and suggestions for what to do when your kid doesn't have friends. More specifically, those moments when they start to recognize that this is the case.


Here's a clip from the episode:


Usually this is triggered by an incident. And even if we think about us in our lives, usually behavior change is triggered by an incident. There's usually not just a time where we're sitting on the couch and just decide we're going to start doing something differently.


For our kiddos when it comes to relationships, it could be triggered by recognizing that they weren't invited to something. It could be triggered by doing what they feel like will help them make friends, and recognizing that it's making things worse. It could be triggered by just an awkward social encounter where they realize they're really struggling with relating to other kids or other teenagers. Usually, there's something that happens. Sometimes it's our kids getting in trouble for something they've said or done. It's usually triggered by something that has happened, that has caused them to really recognize that they're struggling socially. 

Mar 25, 202401:06:12
Empowering strategies for neurodivergent kids, with DJ Nicholson

Empowering strategies for neurodivergent kids, with DJ Nicholson

One of the things I really enjoy about being an adult is being able to figure out what I need to be happy and functional. It has taken me a while to be honest, but I'm grateful to have the autonomy to know what I need and be able to integrate the things I need into my life.


Our kids often don't have enough life experience to be able to tell us what they need to be more happy and functional, but we can start to figure things out just by observing what they are already doing!


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking with DJ Nicholson about strategies that help empower our kids, including things they may already be showing us they need without even knowing it.


Here's a clip from the episode:


One of the things that you said, they see other kids doing the right thing, or they know that they're not doing the same thing that everyone else is doing. Ideally, I would love to see an educational system where we don't expect all kids to do exactly the same thing at the same time in the same way. So one of the things that I like to suggest, both to teachers and to parents, when they're... when they're kind of sitting around that IEP table is to... is to understand that not every child is going to do well sitting in the blue plastic chair.


And so whether it's blue, or black or brown, in schools we all know what that is, that standard classroom chair, that it's okay if you have someone that stands up or sits on the floor, and that we give all kids opportunities to be in the classroom in spaces that help them be their very best self, help them be independent and help them stay regulated and centered. That when we give kids options for flexible places to be, and we can normalize that to me is a game changer. 

Where to find DJ:


Facebook page:



Mar 04, 202401:09:11
Helping neurodivergent kids understand relationships

Helping neurodivergent kids understand relationships

My main goal here at Starfish Social Club is helping kids learn the skills and strategies that make it easier for them to make friends. While we all notice when our kids are struggling socially, I don't think we always realize how much it can impact the quality of their lives. 

I came across this quote last week:

"As a culture, we could improve our national happiness levels by making sure people focus most on what is primary - marriage and intimate relationships - and not on what is important but secondary - their careers." - David Brooks, in an email from The New York Times on Feb. 19, 2024.

And I am familiar with the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest running study of human life in history, which determined: 

"Close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives, the study revealed. Those ties protect people from life’s discontents, help to delay mental and physical decline, and are better predictors of long and happy lives than social class, IQ, or even genes. That finding proved true across the board among both the Harvard men and the inner-city participants."

In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking about the 8 weeks that make up Module 4 of the program at Starfish Social Club, the Connection Module. This is what I teach live via Zoom each week to the students in the program here at Starfish from March to May. In this module, we focus on all types of relationships, from acquaintances to friends to people we are on a team with to our families to partnerships.

This module can be challenging for some kids who aren't ready to admit they don't have friends, or who say they don't care.


Here's a clip from the episode:

 There are so many situations in life where we put time and effort and energy, sometimes money, toward things and we don't get what we're trying to get. And it's easier to just tell ourselves and to tell other people that we don't care than it is to acknowledge that we really care and we just don't know how to make it happen.

This is what I notice when kids say they don't care about having friends. That it's not important to them. Even kiddos that I work with that have minimal verbal skills, even kiddos who tend to seem like they are put off by other people, seek connections and seek relationships. I've never had a student at Starfish, I'm on year eight now, never had a student that, after doing some work in the program, did not start to gravitate toward other kids and did not start to engage with other kids and try to communicate with other kids. We just get tired of things not working out and not knowing what to do any differently.

Feb 26, 202444:28
Sensory strategies your neurodivergent kid doesn't know they need, with Hanna Munro

Sensory strategies your neurodivergent kid doesn't know they need, with Hanna Munro

When I was little, the situation that was most likely to cause me to melt down was having to wear shoes. I HATED wearing shoes. I spent a lot of my childhood in Jellies. (If you don't remember Jellies, they were my generation's version of Crocs.)  


One of the big challenges with the things that bother/upset/stress out our kids is that we can't always figure out what is happening. It could be smells. Or sounds. Or lights. Or vibrations. It's very difficult to prevent triggers that we aren't even aware of, and it can be just as difficult for our kids to understand what they are experiencing and how to avoid it.


This week's podcast/YouTube episode is all about sensory processing. It's a common term in the neurodivergent world, but it's often poorly understood. My guest is Hanna Munro, an occupational therapist who has both professional and personal experience supporting kids with sensory processing challenges.


Here's a clip from the episode:


It's often, like you say, it's not that you turn it on and it's immediately horrible and you have to turn it off, it's that cumulative effect. They maybe don't realize. So they can't go home and say to their parents, "All the lights in class, they're causing me sensory overload." They don't say that. They don't even know that. It's just all day long, adding to, you know... and then that's when you have one of these meltdowns when you get home. It's actually the background sound, the light, all these things build up. And then there's also people... we're often taught, aren't we, about five senses. And I don't know why because there isn't five senses, there's at least eight senses. And the ones that we're missed out being taught are the really, really important ones.

How to find Hanna:

FB: Hanna Munro, Occupational Therapy

YouTube: Hanna Munro

Feb 19, 202453:07
Helping neurodivergent kids connect through conversations

Helping neurodivergent kids connect through conversations

 Have you ever thought about how much your ability to communicate shapes your life?

This has been on my mind a lot recently. From moving to a place where I don't know anyone to traveling to countries where English isn't the native language, I've become very aware of how my ability to both communicate information and to have social conversations is vitally important to my safety, my relationships, and my emotional wellbeing. 

This week's podcast/YouTube episode is all about the third module in the program here at Starfish Social Club. It's called 'Connection', and it's the module I teach live from January to March. This module teaches our students how to do all the things related to conversations: initiating, joining, maintaining, changing the topic, leaving, even how to use our social filter and practice the social fake. 


Here's a clip from the episode:

Week one is where we work on joining a group conversation. This is a conversation that other people started, and we decide we want to join. This is pretty difficult for a lot of our kids, number one because they don't know what to say. Number two, sometimes our kids have been given strategies and suggestions for joining a conversation that are actually counterproductive. Like being told, "Just go introduce yourself." Like being told, "Well, go ask them what they're talking about." Please do not teach your child either one of those strategies. Those both actually make things more awkward. So joining a conversation, the other thing that, that I recognize is that when kids think about joining a conversation, they often are focused on who is in that group, as opposed to what they're talking about. So that's one of the big things I teach in this week is: focus on what the group is talking about, regardless of who's in the group.

Feb 12, 202448:37
Turning social skills into social trades, with Daniel Snead

Turning social skills into social trades, with Daniel Snead

I am often part of conversations about the need to parent and teach our nontraditional kids in nontraditional ways. Sometimes I'm even leading these discussions. Usually this has to do with the way we utilize incentives, consequences, resources, accommodations, teaching strategies, etc. 


One way we can parent and teach differently that I feel is often overlooked has to do with the paths we allow our kids to take as they move from teen to adult. Even though we know our kids think and learn and navigate the world differently, we still may not be aware of (or accepting of) options that allow them to move through the world along a nontraditional path.

In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking with social trades coach Daniel Snead about how our kids can leverage their social skills to earn a living. One of the things we talk about is how not all our kids are going to go to college, not all our kids WANT to go to college, and not all our kids will have careers waiting for them just because they do go to college.

Here's a clip from the episode:

Soft skills and social trades are not the same thing. And so what I hear a lot is parents will say, 'Oh, my kid's so social, you know, they talk to everyone, they're the life of a party, social butterfly.' And I'm like, 'That's great mom.' But can they take.. Do they know and understand how to leverage that social skill? And can they turn that into opportunity? Yeah. Can they turn it into money? Can they turn it into provision, right? And again, it's not all about money. But money's pretty important. And so will soft skills enable you and help you to do social trades? Yes, they will. But I look at it like this, right? Soft skills are ingredients. You know, you have your, you know, empathy, you have your basic kind of communication, you have your manners, you have your ability to work in a team. And then there's more soft skills, a bunch of them on the list, right? Your soft skills are ingredients. Social trades is the ability to cook. So your kid may have a bunch of ingredients, which I love that, you know, like, I mean, when I was a kid I was polite to people. I was nice. I was agreeable. You could talk to me. But my first business failed because I did not know how to ask for a sale.


On a personal note: When I finished my first year in college, I wanted to take a year off and figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. That was absolutely not an option in my family and me voicing my desire to do so caused a lot of turmoil.

I am now one of those people with a college degree that led nowhere unless I wanted to keep collecting degrees. I ended up with 3 degrees, a LOT of student loan debt, and NO idea how to run a business when I chose to transition to this path. 

I am not against the college path. I am against kids being pushed into a model that may not help them get where they are trying to go, and I'm all for alternative options and opportunities!

Where to find Daniel:

Youtube: Best Bet Skills Academy

Social Media: BestBetDan

Feb 05, 202455:29
Building social awareness in autistic and ADHD kids

Building social awareness in autistic and ADHD kids

The number one concern I hear from parents is that their child or teen or young adult doesn't have friends. That is by far the primary reason parents enroll their kiddos in my program.

The second most common observation parents share with me is that their kiddo doesn't get social clues and cues. They are socially naive, confused, overwhelmed or frustrated.

In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm sharing all the things I teach in the second module of my program here at Starfish Social Club. This module is called 'Awareness', and it focuses on helping students not only build their awareness of the social world, but also learn what to do with the information they are noticing.  

Here's a clip from the episode:

One of the big concerns that people have about kiddos with social learning challenges is that they don't pick up on social clues or cues. They don't recognize them. And I have found, and I believe, that that's not always what's happening. I find that my kids do recognize social clues and cues, but they don't know what to do with that information. So if I asked students, you know, 'What are some signs that somebody's not interested in what you're talking about?' Or, 'What are some signs that you've said something that somebody else doesn't like, or that you're bothering somebody else?' Most of the time the kids are aware of that. They know what the clues and cues are. Where they get stuck sometimes is knowing what to do when that happens. And I think it's because when we make a plan to do something or to talk about something and it doesn't work out the way we expected it to, we don't always know what else to do. So I call this making a plan B. This is what I thought was going to happen and I don't know what else to do. 

On a personal note: I often overemphasize social cues when I'm working with my students, especially when they are first learning. This helps things be more obvious to them. It's one of the reasons our kids tend to like animated movies and shows so much; everything is overemphasized. They don't have to try to figure out how someone is feeling when that character's eyes are bugging out of their head and their jaw is hanging open!

Jan 29, 202437:14
Understanding big feelings, with Jessica Sinarski

Understanding big feelings, with Jessica Sinarski

I've been noticing a lot of articles and posts lately about emotional regulation. I've even seen it mentioned that difficulty with regulating emotions is the ONE symptom of ADHD that everyone who is diagnosed experiences. 


Because of this, terms like 'overreactive', 'maladaptive', and 'dysfunctional' may be used to describe our kids and their choices. We probably also know adults who could be described this way as well.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode with Jessica Sinarski, we are talking all about emotions, thoughts, feelings, memories, and experiences. You'll hear why we both believe in accepting and allowing ALL emotions, why we dislike the terms I mentioned above, and why I absolutely love the resources Jessica has created to support kids with emotional regulation. 

Here's a clip from the episode:

And what I saw my field do a lot, at least in my training early on, is lean way more toward thoughts. Like, you know, you can fix your behavior if you fix your thoughts. And what I saw in practice was that, just, that just didn't work for most of the... most of the folks I worked with. And I'm not knocking cognitive behavioral therapy if, you know, if that works well for your brain, great. But I found, particularly related to trauma, I think it's also very true in the world of ADHD and certainly with autism and, and other ways that we can be wired, that that's just one tiny part of how we function and who we are and what makes us, us. And so we want to, we do want to pay attention to sensations, all eight of our senses, we do want to pay attention to, maybe what some of those deeper memories are. 


On a personal note: Struggling with emotional regulation is embarrassing, frustrating, and overwhelming. It comes with its own consequences. Here's an old video of me sharing a time when I was disregulated, and talking about why I am not a fan of artificial consequences for our kids in those moments.


I'm glad you are here, and I'll see you again next week!

You can find Jessica at

Jan 22, 202449:27
Teaching neurodivergent kids how to create the reputation they want

Teaching neurodivergent kids how to create the reputation they want

I often struggle to describe exactly what I teach to the students in the program here at Starfish. Partly because my ADHD brain has a hard time translating my thoughts into words sometimes, and partly because there is just SO much that goes on here!


I usually use the term 'social skills' to describe what students learn, but really I only use that term because it's what people know and recognize. We also work on:

  • life skills
  • problem-solving skills
  • communication strategies
  • self-advocacy
  • emotional regulation
  • conflict resolution
  • decision-making
  • relationship building.

Yeah, it's a lot!


Over the next couple of months, I'm using my solo podcast/YouTube episodes to dive deep into each one of the four modules that make up the program here, called SC3 Academy. 'SC3' stands for socially competent, confident, and connected.


In this week's episode, I'm breaking down the 8 weeks of our module called 'Identity'. This is the content I teach live in the groups in August through October, and I consider it to be the foundation of the program.


Here's a clip from the episode:

Because of this, our kiddos very, very rarely get helpful social feedback. So if all that's happening is, you know, every time it's recess time the other kids run away from you, or you know, the other kids keep telling you that you're annoying but you don't know why, how can you possibly create a different outcome for yourself? How can you possibly start to make friends and have conversations with kids when you don't know why the kids are running away from you? Or you don't know why they're calling you annoying? Or you don't know why everybody stops talking when you walk up to the group in the hallway? This is one of my biggest soapboxes if you will about social is everybody in the world deserves to have helpful social feedback. And so lesson seven, week seven, I teach our students how to give each other helpful social feedback.  

On a personal note: I moved out of Texas a few months ago, and it is currently 2F/-17C and snowing in my new home! My kitty and I are holed up inside because I'm not even pretending like I know how to drive in the ice and snow! Wishing everyone in the US a safe week as most of us are experiencing the chill right now!

I'll see you again next week, and I'm glad you are here!

Jan 15, 202401:06:36
Living with 'swiss cheese' social skills, with Michelle Hu
Jan 08, 202401:12:01
Supporting emotionally intense kids with Anouk Godbout

Supporting emotionally intense kids with Anouk Godbout

Welcome back!


There is a photo of my extended family at Christmas dinner, taken when I was a child. I'm the kid who is NOT having a good time.


Why? I have no idea. All I know is that I was a difficult kid. 


Why? Again, I have no idea. I was too young to have memories of the reasons behind why I did the things I did. 


I do know that having a reputation as a difficult kid profoundly shaped who I am now. It is definitely one of the biggest reasons behind why I am so passionate about supporting neurodivergent kids, some of whom share that reputation with 'little me'.

On this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking to Anouk Godbout all about parenting emotionally intense kids. She has a few of 'us' at home and she supports other parents who do as well. 

It's a great conversation between Anouk as the parent and me as the (former) difficult kid. I very much enjoyed our time together.

Here's a clip from the episode:

 Anouk: I always hate when people say, like, 'Don't yell at your kids' or 'Stay calm'. That's the worst advice because it's not doable. Like just that way. It's just not doable. And to be able to do that we need ourself to be regulated to be calm. And that's not something you can do in the moment when the child loses it. We cannot say 'I'm gonna stay calm'. No, because often it's triggering our own defense mechanism, our own fight or flight or fawn or, like freeze response, because they're really intense and it's physically threatening. And sometimes it's even, like, they can even be violent, right? So it really is physically threatening. So it's going against that instinct of protecting ourself. And often that's why we yell and that's why we lose it. 

Steph: And yeah, we become afraid, we become anxious, we become... right? Yeah. And sometimes... Anger is like a mask for other things. So even if we think we're angry, we're afraid or scared or... 

Anouk: Yeah. And often we're scared of 1000 things at the same time, because we have the mind that will... The kids are just in the moment feeling bad. But we can also be like, 'If my child behaves that way now, how it's going to be a Christmas or how it's going to be at school, or how are they ever going to be able to be an adult?’ Like, we can spin it and it's not conscious, it goes so fast, but we spin in that, in that worry, and it makes us lose it. 

Where to find Anouk:

Parental support - Family Moments

Podcast: Parenting the Intensity

Dec 18, 202358:54
Let's talk about depression and anxiety in neurodivergent kids

Let's talk about depression and anxiety in neurodivergent kids

Welcome back!


While it's not fun to talk about depression and anxiety, I feel like it's definitely necessary.  


I looked at research regarding anxiety and depression amongst kids with autism and ADHD. The statistics were all over the place, but the bottom line is that everything I saw and read backed up the fact that autistic and ADHD kids are significantly more likely to struggle with these disorders than neurotypical kids.

In this episode I talk about not only what depression and anxiety look and feel like (I used to struggle significantly with both), I also share my top strategies and suggestions for each.


Here's a clip from the episode:

There's so much stress around November and December. It's kind of counterintuitive, but you think about, for adults, the stress around making plans: Where are you going? What are you going to do? You know, sometimes there's stress around family dynamics. There could be stress around if your kiddo's currently in a difficult phase of their life, you could feel stressed out about what might happen at Thanksgiving dinner. What are they going to say? What are they going to do? How's everybody else going to react to them? If you're traveling, that's just always a little bit stressful in itself. There could be financial stress, as we come into the gift giving season, there can be financial stress there. Kids are off from school a lot during this time. The time during Thanksgiving, some of us have a whole week off at Thanksgiving, a couple of weeks at Christmas... There's a lot of downtime for our kiddos, the weather is colder, there's just a lot of things. The weeks before the holiday break, schools tend to do more laid back, casual stuff, and that's actually, for a lot of our kids, it's very difficult for them because it's out of routine, it's off structure, it can be kind of chaotic, it can be kind of overwhelming. So the last few days before the break may actually be kind of stressful and chaotic for them. So just understanding that pretty much everybody experiences heightened levels of stress in November/December.

Dec 14, 202301:02:18
Teach your neurodivergent child to say these 3 things

Teach your neurodivergent child to say these 3 things

Welcome back!


This week's podcast/YouTube episode is inspired by some situations I've witnessed or been a part of lately:

*Hearing a father tell his toddler daughter that she isn't allowed to tell him 'no'

*Getting lost in the woods, which led to my encounter with the volunteer fire department 


These situations led me to create this week's episode on three things I think all our kids should learn and be able to say.


Here's a clip from the episode:

But compliant kids are often the ones who are struggling with things like depression and anxiety. They're struggling with people-pleasing. They're struggling with not being able to tell people what they want, or what they need. They, as I mentioned, they are more at risk of ending up in dysfunctional relationships because they have not developed the ability to self-advocate and to stand up for themselves and to leave situations that make them feel uncomfortable because they've been told that they're not allowed to, to say no. They're not allowed to express their needs. They're not allowed to tell people what they think and how they feel. So for our kiddos, it's so important to me, number one: that they learn how to say no, and number two: that they're allowed to say no. 


As part of this week's episode, I asked for help. 


I don't ever ask people to like/review/subscribe, but this week I am asking you to please do so. 


Since I don't ask for reviews, we have very few. Last week we received an unhappy review. I have no problem with this as everyone has the right to express their opinion.


It's common knowledge that people who are unhappy are much more likely to leave a review, and that causes those reviews to negatively skew people's impressions of a business. Since we don't have many reviews to begin with, that's what has happened to the reviews for Starfish Social Club. 


If our classes, the podcast, an email response, anything about what we do has had a positive impact on your family or your kiddo(s), I would really love if you would share that. In other words, I would love your help.

*You can leave a review on Google

*You can leave a review on this podcast: Use whichever service you are listening on to leave a review (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc).

*You can leave a review on our Facebook page.


Thank you for your help and for your support and for allowing me the space to ask for help.


I'm glad you are here!

Dec 11, 202345:23
Supporting your neurodivergent child's dreams, with Daniel Keith Austin

Supporting your neurodivergent child's dreams, with Daniel Keith Austin

Have you ever felt caught in the middle between wanting to support your kids in what they want for themselves, and wanting to make sure they will be functional, successful adults?

It can be a tricky balance when it comes to setting boundaries, allowing failures, and giving advice.

In this week's episode, I'm talking with Daniel Keith Austin about how parents can support the dreams and goals of their neurodivergent kids. Daniel is an autistic author, and after we recorded this episode his children's book won third place at the BookFest Fall 2023 Awards!

It hasn't been an easy journey for him, and there are still things he's working toward accomplishing. 

Research shows that kids who are struggling only need ONE supportive adult in their life to help them be successful. Just one. In this week's episode, Daniel and I are sharing strategies to help us all be that one for our kids!

Here's a clip from the episode:

(Steph) One of the things that... that I believe, is that I think everybody should and has the capacity to dream and have whatever goals they want for themselves. Right. I think for some of us, it may take us longer to get there, and we may need more support along the way. But I don't think that the dream or the goal needs to be any different than it would be for anybody else. It just may take us longer, and we may need more help to get there.

(Daniel) Right. And that's often why so many people give up is because it's taking a really long time. And that's something I want to offer as encouraging advice to people who are listening to this, who are in that boat, like, just keep going at it. Someone important to me told me to never ever settle, and that's what I'm not going to do is I'm never going to settle. It is, I will admit, taking a lot longer for me to achieve the dreams. I envisioned having them a much longer time ago. And if I had it my way, I'd be enjoying it right now. But I'm just going to keep going at it no matter how frustrating it is. Buy his book at





Nov 28, 202342:04
How to make hygiene tasks and chores more manageable

How to make hygiene tasks and chores more manageable

You know that visual of an iceberg that often gets used to describe things being 'under the surface'? It's a way to demonstrate what is seen compared to the monstrosity of what is not seen about a situation.

On this week's podcast/YouTube channel, I'm jumping into chores and hygiene. Talk about an iceberg graphic! 

On the surface, it probably seems like kids refuse to do chores or hygiene tasks 'just because'. In reality, there can be SO MANY reasons for these things to be difficult for our kiddos, many of which we may not have ever recognized.

In this episode I'm breaking down multiple reasons why these tasks can be so heavily avoided, why they can just be inadvertently overlooked, and lots of strategies to make them easier and more likely to be done!

Here's a clip from the episode:

A lot of our kiddos really don't have a concept that the way they look and smell affects their reputation. They just don't have that concept. And so for a lot of people, we do hygiene because we don't want to smell, we don't want to look dirty, right? It has to do with how other people perceive us. And our kids just don't always have that concept. Hygiene is very much a social construct. Even though it sounds weird to think about it that way. We... a lot of the hygiene activities we do are because of our thoughts about how other people think about us. And so when so many of our kids don't have that concept, hygiene becomes just this thing they're supposed to do that they don't really want to do it. So that's another... just know that if your kids are resistant to doing hygiene stuff, or it's just not even on their mind, that's why. It's actually a social construct. And it requires that we think about other people. And a lot of our kids are just really challenged in that area. 

Nov 13, 202353:20
When kids AND parents have a diagnosis, with Tanya Valentin

When kids AND parents have a diagnosis, with Tanya Valentin

A couple months ago I was talking to a mom in Australia about her family. She shared that her kids are both neurodivergent, and so is she, and so is her partner! She felt like the most challenging part was knowing how to support them socially when she feels socially challenged herself. 

In my experience, when kid(s) AND parent(s) have a diagnosis, it tends to play out in one of two ways:

Scenario 1: personality conflicts abound and relationships are difficult. This was the story for Ann Coleman, who was on the podcast two weeks ago. 

Scenario 2: mutual understanding and shared experiences create deeper relationships. This is the story for Tanya Valentin, who is my guest on this week's episode.


Here's a clip from the episode:

So first of all, my first sort of thing, the thing that I think is the most important thing is radical acceptance. And what I mean by that is kind of throwing out the rulebook when it comes to parenting. And also just parenting the child that you have. You know, I think there is so much, like, programming or perception of like, how your parenting journey should go, or what your child should be like, how they should show... turn out, what successful parenting looks like, what success in general looks like for a human being. And a lot of it actually doesn't apply to neurodivergent people, neurodivergent families. And so the first thing that I really want to just kind of put out to parents is that radical acceptance is going to be your friend, you know, and so that means looking at your child, looking at your family, and deciding what actually works for us. 


PS. The parent I mentioned at the top of this email asked me if I ever teach family classes, and I thought that was an amazing idea! If you find yourself in a similar position where you aren't sure how to help your kiddo because you also struggle socially, I'd love to hear from you. 

Where to find Tanya:

Social Media: @TanyaValentinNZ

Podcast: The Seen, Heard, Accepted Podcast

Nov 06, 202301:07:27
How neurodivergent kids can start making friends

How neurodivergent kids can start making friends

Mel Robbins, one of my favorite people to follow and listen to, says, "You are one decision away from a completely different life." I'm a huge believer in the power of this concept. I also feel like it's very applicable when it comes to making friends.


Sometimes our kids struggle to make friends because of their reputation. They don't realize they are saying or doing things that are sabotaging their reputation and, as a result, their relationships.


And sometimes our kids have great reputations, and still no friends. Sometimes it has nothing to do with who they are, and everything to do with what they are or are not doing.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm sharing easy things kids (or adults!) can do to start making connections that can lead to friendships. 


Here's a clip from the episode:


If you guys think about when we were, you know, when you’re five or six or if you have a kiddo who was recently five or six, and they may run up to each other and say, ‘Hey, will you be my friend?’ Clearly, that's not actually how friendship works, right? But some of our kids hold on to that concept for years after they're five or six, they think you can just ask somebody to be a friend. Not really how it works. So friendship requires that we're spending time together, outside of where we know this person. All right, so we've established there's a chasm, usually, between acquaintance and friendship. There's a big chasm there. We've established that most people we know are acquaintances. We've talked about how some of our kids recognize they don't have any friends, and some of our kids think everybody's their friend. So how do we actually get from an acquaintance to a friend?

Oct 30, 202341:57
Parenting neurodivergent teens with less conflict, with Ann Coleman

Parenting neurodivergent teens with less conflict, with Ann Coleman

There's something about this time of year that seems to make parenting, teaching, just 'peopling' in general more difficult. 


The shine of the new school year has worn off.

Kids who haven't adapted so well to the transition are really struggling.

Holidays are on the horizon, which can cause extra stress and anxiety at home.

The days are getting shorter.

The time change is coming.

Colder weather is on its way...

Anything I missed from that list?


When people feel stressed, they instinctively look for ways to feel more in control of their environment. As parents and teachers, we often turn this need for control into attempts to control the kids in our lives. 


For some kids, this can be accomplished fairly easily. Some kids want to be compliant and please the adults in their lives.

And then there's the kids like me who will fight back any time they feel like there is an attempt to control them.

In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking with Ann Coleman, a parenting coach who focuses on challenging teens. We talk about some of the factors contributing to the mindset of our teens, as well as how we can parent them with less conflict. 

I grew up with a lot of household conflict in my teen years, and I feel like this conversation is incredibly important for anyone looking to have a more supportive, less challenging relationship with their teen.

Where to find Ann:

Podcast: Speaking of Teens

Oct 23, 202301:05:16
Being friendly: 3 little things that make a big difference

Being friendly: 3 little things that make a big difference

We are back from fall break!In the last 2 weeks, I have moved to another state and gone on an 8-day road trip by myself. While it seems like this would mean less social interaction since I'm no longer around people I know, it has actually required so much more! On this week's episode, I'm sharing three little things our neurodivergent kids can do on a regular basis that make a big difference when it comes to being perceived as friendly.

Why does it matter how we are perceived? Because we all are much more willing and interested in connecting with people we perceive as friendly than with those we don't.

It's definitely possible for someone to be very friendly, but not be perceived that way. This can be due to anxiety, being distracted, or just not knowing that what they are doing is sabotaging their intent.

This episode also involves talking to strangers, which is something I believe is not only acceptable but necessary in order for our kids to have a meaningful social life.

Oct 16, 202340:39
The intersection of neurodivergence and mental health with Jeff Fullington

The intersection of neurodivergence and mental health with Jeff Fullington

I just spent the weekend moving to another state! I knew I was moving, but I didn't know where I was going for sure until about a week ago. My ADHD brain loves novelty, adventure, and change, so it's been a fun experience!


I chose the place I moved to because of a certain program they have there. As part of this program, I've been plugged into a network with a bunch of other people who are also part of the program. There are organized activities, workshops, social events, etc. It really reinforced how important groups are in our lives.


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, I'm talking with Jeff Fullington about the intersection of neurodivergence and mental health. His belief, which I obviously share, is that one of the best ways we can protect our mental health (and that of our kids) is to be part of groups of others who are 'like us', whatever that means to us. 


It's why Facebook groups are such a big thing. It's why we congregate around religious and political groups. It's why we have such things as school pride and team spirit. All these 'groups' make us feel like we belong. Like we are a part of something.


Here's a clip from this week's episode:


We need that access to our peers for our development. We need to be able to mirror and see ourselves in each other and learn from each other in a way that we can't from an 'out' group. But I would say that applies to any group. I would say autistic people need to be around other autistic people and learn from them and teach like we, it's a mutual process. Men need groups where men can reflect and understand each other. Women need women's groups, different cultures need their groups. So I would, I would say that what I found with the gifted program would apply to any group. So if, if the younger you can get that, the more it's gonna feed into your social development. And a lot of people that come to me, it may be the first time in their life they're meeting other gifted people or other autistic people. Or it's the first time in their life that, as a man, they can come and talk with other men about the things that are important to them. And so it's stuff that could have happened at a younger age had they had those opportunities, but it's happening as an adult, but it's not that different from what a kid would be getting if he'd, like what your program is doing, which I think is fantastic. That's exactly what I think, not only for neurodivergence, but for every identity out there. The more they can access the peers specific to that identity, the more that part of them is going to grow and develop than if they had to do it alone.

You can find Jeff at

Oct 02, 202347:08
Why our kids can be 'prickly' sometimes

Why our kids can be 'prickly' sometimes

You know those times when your neurodivergent kiddo is being defiant, or argumentative, or disruptive? Maybe disrespectful, or even dramatic? What's up with that??

In this week's episode, I'm sharing multiple reasons why our kids can be 'prickly' sometimes. A lot of them are things you may have never thought about or understood.

And of course I'm also sharing what we can do to help when our kiddos are in this space!

Here's a clip from this episode:

I think there's a lot of people who just like being a little bit different. There's a big distinction between when that's a choice and when it's not a choice. Somebody with a physical disability is always going to be seen as different, even though they did not make that choice. Somebody with a speech impairment, there will always be seen as different, even though they did not make that choice. Somebody whose skin is a different color than the other people they're typically around, somebody who wears certain clothing because of their religion... So there are things about us that make us stand out, make us different in a crowd, that were not our explicit choice. Things like: having a slow processing speed, not understanding humor, having a hard time getting along in a group. Those things also make us feel different. And they are not things that we chose for ourselves. So one of the reasons that I notice that our kiddos can be prickly sometimes is when the things that make them feel different were not their choice, and they're causing hardships in their life.

Sep 25, 202341:15
The importance of adult relationships in our kids' lives with Darlene Meissner

The importance of adult relationships in our kids' lives with Darlene Meissner

Sep 18, 202348:49
Stop asking your neurodivergent kid how their day was (and what to ask instead)

Stop asking your neurodivergent kid how their day was (and what to ask instead)

One of the most important pieces of advice I share with parents of neurodivergent kids to build connections with their kids and try their best to understand them. I realized I haven't talked much about HOW to do that.

Today's episode is all about this topic!

First, please stop asking your kid how their day was. In this episode, I explain why, AND I give you a great alternative that will not only give you more information than what you are probably getting now, but it will also help you form a deeper connection with your child.

I also talk about how to support our kids when they are struggling emotionally, ways to connect with kids who are resistant/reluctant/defiant, and why the things we choose to focus on could have a big impact on our kids' social futures.

Registration for my 8-week social skills program for autistic/ADHD kids is opening soon! Are you on the waiting list?

Sep 11, 202343:58
Paying attention to behavior across environments with Delton Cooper

Paying attention to behavior across environments with Delton Cooper

When I teach my students about the concept of 'reputation', one of the things we talk about is that it's totally fine and normal to act differently in different contexts. We SHOULD act differently at family dinner than in the school cafeteria. It WOULD be a good idea to talk to the principal or our boss differently than we talk to our friends. There's a term for this: It's called 'codeswitching'. 

For some of our kids, we sometimes WISH they would act differently in different contexts. We would love for them to be more aware of the concept of codeswitching.


But what about when a kiddo acts SO differently in another context that we are surprised? Or worried? Or even angry?


In this week's podcast/YouTube episode, Delton Cooper and I are talking about our childhood experiences with ADHD at home and at school. Both of us really struggled in one of these environments while we showed up very differently in the other. 


We share why it's important to pay attention to how your child acts in different contexts, what that may mean regarding their mental health, and what we believe all kids need in order to be the best version of themselves. 


Here's a clip from this episode: 

Why is this kid determined to stay in trouble? Why is he determined to defy the simplest of instructions? Simplest of instructions. Just sit down and be quiet, I'm not going to do it. You know, "When you get done reading your book, close your book and, you know, quietly finish your..." I"m not gonna do it. I didn't want to do homework. You know, I didn't want to do... I didn't want to do anything that forced me to to... Comply? Comply. Perfect word. Even to this day, I have, I don't like complying. You know, that still follows me. Because the complying is just, to me and to other kids that have you know, these diagnoses, is that you're not allowing me to be who I am. I'm not a bad person. I'm not threatening you. I'm not disrupting your world at all. But all I want to do is just be who I am. And you're not allowing that. So we're all going to suffer for this. So that was my answer to school. Yeah, that's a really great way to put it. I hadn't really thought about that connection with compliance before.


*We do dive into some heavier topics related to mental health, so please be aware of that before you watch/listen. 


Listen to the podcast episode.

Watch on YouTube.


Where to find Delton:

FB: Delton Cooper II

Sep 04, 202352:48
The importance of teaching neurodivergent kids how to self-advocate with Michelle Steiner

The importance of teaching neurodivergent kids how to self-advocate with Michelle Steiner

It's back to school season for those of us in the US!

That's why my guest this week is someone who works alongside our kids in the school system every day!

But first, a story.

A couple years ago, I saw a social media post from this dude who is a therapist and teaches social skills to ADHD boys. It said something like: Why would you trust a middle-aged woman to teach your teenage boy with ADHD social skills??

Now I know this post had nothing to do with me (I mean, I'm not even middle-aged!) but I actually found it humorous.

Here's this dude who is neurotypical, thinking he's in a better position to teach social skills to neurodivergent kids and teens than someone who has LIVED EXPERIENCE!

How many situations do you find yourself in where you think the best person to learn something (anything!) from is someone who has NO personal experience in that area?

A realtor who has never bought or sold their own house?

Someone who teaches people to make money with a side hustle, but has never had a side hustle?

Someone who teaches piano lessons, but doesn't know how to play the piano??

Alright, you get the idea. I'm just a girl who has ADHD standing in front of you wanting to help your child.

Is that how that quote goes??

My guest on the podcast this week is Michelle Steiner, a disability advocate, speaker, and a paraprofessional in a middle school who has a learning disability. In other words, she's another person out in the world teaching our kids because she gets it. She has been there, done that.

Here's a clip from the episode: A lot of times, we'll have parents that are advocating for their child, and that's definitely very important for a parent's voice. My parents didn't give up on me and they advocated for me until I could advocate for myself. But I think we really need to have kids beginning starting to advocate for themselves at an early age. A lot of these a lot of the students I work with, their disability is going to continue well on after adulthood, it's going to go with them for the rest of their lives. And I think the earlier we start getting them to be able to speak up for themselves, the more we're going to serve them, and better prepare them for their future.

PS. Did you know I also teach people how to start a social club in their community? Because, you know, I have 7 years of experience doing that! If this sounds like something you are interested in learning more about, you can join the waiting list at Start Your Own Club Waitlist (

I'm glad you are here!

You can find Michelle at

Aug 28, 202345:42
Why, when, and how to talk to your autistic/ADHD child about their diagnosis

Why, when, and how to talk to your autistic/ADHD child about their diagnosis

This is an impromtu episode I recorded because this topic was heavy on my mind. I'm sharing why I think everyone deserves to know if they have a diagnosis, when we should tell our kids, and how we can do it in an affirming way.

Aug 24, 202336:29
Home and school IEP collaboration with Katie Ploss

Home and school IEP collaboration with Katie Ploss

It's back to school season here in the US!

I've been on both sides of the table in IEP meetings. 

Regardless of your role in an IEP meeting, these things can get intense. 

I was a special education teacher and behavior specialist for many years. I also spent a year as an assistant principal in a residential treatment center where I was the administrator who attended all the IEP meetings, about 20 each week. 

In these roles, I was the so-called 'expert'. The child's teacher. The behavior guru. The one with the authority to make decisions. 

Also, I spent some time as a foster parent to a kiddo with LOTS of needs. 

In this role, I was in the awkward position of knowing my child's teacher was not very good at her job because I worked in the district and was in her classroom frequently supporting other students. Then there was the time I found out the school nurse had only been giving my child half his medication dosage. The report I filed led to her losing her job.

But here's the thing: We are all doing the best we can.

Parents are doing the best they can to raise their kids without being experts in neurodivergence or education most of the time. 

Teachers are doing the best they can to teach and support their students without being an expert in each child.

Specialists are doing the best they can to support high caseloads of students, all with different needs and situations.

Administrators are doing the best they can to support their staff, whom they rely on, as well as the parents who drop their kids off at the front door every day, whom they are here to teach and protect.

In this week's podcast episode, Katie Ploss and I talk about ways to support home and school collaboration in the IEP process. Katie is a school psychologist who is passionate about supporting parents along the full developmental experience with their kids. We also discuss the best places and ways to ask questions and get accurate information when it comes to your child's education (HINT: It's not by posting in FB groups).

Here's a clip from this episode: 

A lot of the acronyms and the big... all the paperwork and all of those things were put in place to protect, for procedural safeguard purposes, to protect children and parents and to ensure that students have access to education. So it's like a double-edged sword, it's like all of this stuff is what's legally protecting your child, and giving them, providing that access to them. But on the other side of it, it is, it's a bear, it's there's so much to sift through. IEPs are like 20, 30 pages long. And then if you have your child evaluated, if it's a three-year or an initial IEP, you know, you have maybe multiple specialist reports that you're sifting through, it is insane. And, you know, a lot of schools just don't have the resources, the time, the parent doesn't have the resources or the capability, capacity to sit and go through all of it. And it's just really overwhelming. So, you know, it's knowing like, again, that communication and how to... what questions to ask, how to ask them, when to ask them. And it's up to us on our end to make sure that we're communicating the information in a way that's digestible.

And if you're looking for some support as we kick of the new school year, my 1/1 sessions can be used to discuss your child's IEP or attend a meeting with your child's school staff via Zoom. Just send an email to if that sounds like something that would be helpful for you.

How to find Katie:, and 'beyoucmty' on social media.

Aug 21, 202354:39
Supporting struggling learners with Jessica Bradley

Supporting struggling learners with Jessica Bradley

It's back to school season for those of us in the US!


I don't think it's a secret that I'm not a huge fan of traditional education systems. From bell schedules to having to ask to go to the restroom to the overfocus on memorization, I think these structures and expectations promote compliance and conformity. The fact that I'm not a huge fan of those things isn't a secret for sure!


While a lot of our neurodivergent kids experience social anxiety, school anxiety is another factor that can negatively affect students both academically and socially. 

My guest this week is Jessica Bradley, a former school teacher who now supports struggling learners by giving them the academic and emotional support they need to be more successful.


Here's a clip from this week's episode:

And that is why I think, in my program, students and parents tell us, you've only met with them once, and they're doing so much better. And I'm like, Well, I didn't teach them anything in an hour that's going to fix our academic problem. But I did talk to them and reduce their stress, which allowed them to go to that math class, and pay attention. So now they're getting support from me. But they're also able to finally intake information in class because I've reduced their stress level so much. And so that's such a big part. And you know, there's so much research too about how the two are intertwined, right? If we're doing well in school, we have great peer relationships, but the opposite has been researched and the opposite is true: If we have great peer relationships, we do great in school. So it's this very codependent relationship, that we have to continue as parents and a support person, people and all that we have to continue to foster both sides. Because they work together.


Where to find Jessica:

Aug 14, 202338:58
Strategies to create healthier ADHD brains with Bobbi Westbrook

Strategies to create healthier ADHD brains with Bobbi Westbrook

I have never thought of myself as someone who interrupts a lot. And then I listened to the recording of this week's podcast episode. Yikes! 


In my defense, I interrupted so much because I related so strongly to what my guest was sharing, and because I had so much personal experience to contribute to the discussion! Excuses and interruptions aside, it is a great episode.


In this week's podcast episode with Bobbi Westbrook, we are talking about strategies to create healthier ADHD brains. 


A lot of the things Bobbi shares I just learned and started applying in the last few years. Mostly because I just received my ADHD diagnosis in 2021. But I can only imagine how much it would have benefitted younger me to have these practices established when I was a kid.


In addition to what Bobbi shares, I also talk about my theory on why people with ADHD are more likely to also have anxiety, and why the concept of 'moderation' is lost on ADHD brains.


Here's a soundbite from the episode: 


Helping give our child an environment that helps their brain function the best, and then helping parents respond to their kids empathetically and understand how their brains are working just a little bit differently will help everybody just cooperate more together in life and hopefully bring a lot more peace into the home. And then, by the time those kids reach adolescence and teenage years, they have so many coping mechanisms and skills and tools that they can use to really thrive as they get more responsibility, and they have more privileges like phones and things like that. A story that I hear constantly with teenagers is: “I’m constantly taking their phone away to try to get them to do their homework and I’m constantly grounding them because they didn’t do x,y,z when I asked them to.” And I’m like, man, if we can head that off when they’re 5, 6, 7 years old and get you all’s relationship established so that you can understand each other and be on the same page, you don’t have to do any of that. They are able to flow into young adulthood with a lot more confidence, and with the parent having a lot more confidence in them.


Check out this week's episode with Bobbi for strategies on how to support your kiddo's (or your own) ADHD brain.

Contact Bobbi:



Aug 07, 202301:07:26
Making the Invisible Visible with Carrie Bonnett

Making the Invisible Visible with Carrie Bonnett

In this week's podcast episode with Carrie Bonnett, we talk about the importance of self-advocacy, giving everything a home, and making the invisible visible.


To Carrie, this relates to executive functioning tasks. To me, this relates to helping my students identify and recognize how the invisible social world really works.


I had two conversations with new students this week that really highlighted the importance of making the invisible visible:


The first conversation was with a middle school student who came to see me for 1/1 support. He did not want to be there, and the first thing he said when I greeted him was, "I'm just waiting for this to be over." 


I am always up for a challenge, so I dove right in.


By the end of our session, he had identified that it wasn't his unique hobby that was causing other kids to pick on him, it was his reputation. (Note: while someone's reputation is never a justifiable excuse for them to be picked on, it is at least an explanation for why it's happening.)


This kiddo also figured out what he was doing that was giving him a reputation for being annoying. He has been going out of his way to try to hide his amazing hobby, thinking it would cause kids to stop picking on him. I helped him see the invisible truth behind the treatment and now he's much more open to receiving feedback regarding how he interacts with other kids.


The second conversation was with an elementary student who is joining me via Zoom in a couple of weeks for my group program. At first, he refused to talk to me. When his mom would try to tell me what was going on, he would yell and have a big reaction. At one point she said he was melting down in the background. 


By the end of our session, he was telling me that his two goals in life were to make friends and to improve his rock climbing. He was also showing me some of the very creative pictures he has created. 


Why the significant change? He has social anxiety and thinks other kids don't like him. I explained to him the number one way he could figure out if other kids like him and want to play with him, which reinforced that kids like him! I made one invisible thing more visible to him, and it completely changed his perception of himself and of our conversation.


I encourage you to check out this week's episode with Carrie for strategies on helping your kiddo (or you!) make the invisible visible, and lots of other helpful solutions for organizing our brains and our homes.


Here's a soundbite from the episode: 

So what executive function skills are are the skills, the brain skills that help us get stuff done. That's how I like to describe it, like the short version. And I often like to say that the key to being successful at this thing called 'executive function’ is to make the invisible visible. So there is so much in a student's life, or an adult’s, that is invisible, right? Like expectations are invisible. Time is invisible. Yes. Months, years, invisible. All this stuff. Chores, invisible. And so one of the things that I just was talking to this high school student about just moments ago was this idea of just keeping it in your face.

You can find Carrie at

Jul 31, 202349:12
Breaking things down, creating routines, and the power of passion with Chris Fugelsang

Breaking things down, creating routines, and the power of passion with Chris Fugelsang

This week's podcast features my first guest, Chris Fugelsang. Chris is an executive functioning coach, so I figured he would be a perfect person to talk to since that's what I've been talking about all summer! 

Here's a soundbite from the episode: 

In my early days of teaching, I would get like, five, six kids pulled out of a class and I would have to help them manage school. And they really were weak in those areas. Intellectually they were mostly above or average intelligence, sometimes exceptionally above average. But what I found out was that it wasn't the content that they struggled with, it was these peripheral things around learning, like planning and organizing and sustained attention and study skills and impulsivity and all these other things that they struggled with. But what I was doing as an early teacher was just putting out fires and helping them do work and being a tutor showing them how to get their work done so that they can get the grade. But I wasn't really helping them. I didn't feel as though I was helping. I've almost felt like I was doing them a disservice because they were getting, they were passing the class, but they weren't necessarily learning the skills. And that's kind of what this work is all about is learning the fundamental skills.


This clip really stands out to me, because it highlights that it's not the SETTING that supports our kids in their learning, it's TEACHING THE SKILLS.


Kids don't learn how to study or complete their assignments by being in mainstream classes, and they don't learn how to make friends by being around other kids. If either of these were the case, our kids would function just like everyone else by now. 


But they obviously don't.


The biggest misconception about our program here at Starfish Social Club is that the benefit is in either the group, or the in-person service. 


It's not in either of those.


I'm currently working with a 21-year-old 1/1. He emailed me a bulleted list of what he would like to work on. We have had some amazing conversations and he's recognizing that he's trying to use 'traditional' social skills, which are actually making him seem more awkward. He's not part of one of my groups, and he lives on the other side of the country. It's not the group or the location that leads to social growth.


Sometimes the group actually causes things to be MORE challenging. If you didn't see the video I posted Thursday about our challenging day at summer camp, you can watch it here.


We didn't turn things around because the kids were with me in person. We did it because of the way I interact with the students, the relationship we have, and the skills they have learned in the program.


If I just stuck all my students in a room together so that they would gain social skills, it would most likely end up in chaos and arguments and crying. It's not the environment. that leads to growth. It's the acquisition of skills.

Outline: 10:15 - The relationship between discipline, motivation, and passion 16:17 - Breaking tasks down in ways that work for our brains 22:32 - Using natural rewards and consequences 33:42 - The role of accountability 35:48 - The importance of routines How to contact Chris:

Jul 24, 202349:17
Executive FUNctioning summer: Games!

Executive FUNctioning summer: Games!

This is the final episode in our executive functioning series. This episode includes 10 activities you can do with your kids involving games to improve their executive functioning skills. We spend half our time at Starfish Social Club playing games!

Segment from this episode:

Next up is how I incorporate executive functioning skills into games. Clearly games in and of themselves work on executive functioning skills. There's not a game out there that does not work on executive functioning skills just by the fact that it's a game.

There are extra things I do during game time that kick things up a notch. Sometimes a little, sometimes a whole lot!

Jul 17, 202323:46
Executive FUNctioning summer: Working memory

Executive FUNctioning summer: Working memory

This episode focuses on working memory games to improve our kids' working memory. A lot of these are oral games that can be done anywhere. You do them at the dinner table or in the car, to start or end your day... wherever and whenever!

I'll see you next week for our last set of activities: games!

Jul 10, 202323:05
Executive FUNctioning summer: Building activites

Executive FUNctioning summer: Building activites

This episode includes 10 building activities you can do with your kids or students to help improve their executive functioning skills. You can use any materials for this. We typically use Legos, but you can use magnetic tiles, blocks, or anything else your kids enjoy.

Next week I have 10 working memory activities for you!

Jun 26, 202314:31
Executive FUNctioning summer: Writing and drawing

Executive FUNctioning summer: Writing and drawing

This episode is all about ways to improve kids' executive functioning skills using writing and drawing activities. Even if your kiddo is not a strong writer or doesn't enjoy writing, there are still plenty of activities on this list that they can do!

3:21: Support for kids who don't like to write

6:02 - Drawing activities

14:54 - Writing activites

Next week I have 10 building activities for you!

Jun 19, 202326:01
Putting the FUN in Executive FUNctioning this summer!

Putting the FUN in Executive FUNctioning this summer!

For the next several weeks, we are focusing on the concept of executive functioning. If you've been in the autism/ADHD/learning disabilities world for any amount of time, this term is probably really familiar to you. It can be defined in a lot of different ways, and it can be quite confusing. Today I'm talking about:

3:02: What is executive functioning?

4:08: Memory

9:18: Planning

13:21: Inhibition

17:28: Summary and what's coming up next!

Segment from this episode:

Kids in class see other kids' science fair projects, book reports, that six month oral history report, whatever it may be. They see other kids that seems to be on top of this management stuff. And their desk, meanwhile, is exploding. And they did theirs the night before. And it's not typed, it's handwritten, and they don't even have all the pages together. And they didn't turn in their homework yesterday.

Kids constantly late to school because they aren't able to manage their time and attention in the morning to get up and get out the door. And there's arguing and yelling and all kinds of stuff happening at home in the morning because of their inability to regulate their time and their attention and to prioritize things.

Jun 12, 202321:47
When direct instruction, feedback, and community all come together

When direct instruction, feedback, and community all come together

The three things we've talked about over the last three weeks, and how they all come together to create our unique program and system at Starfish Social Club. The direct instruction through our curriculum, the feedback our students receive, and the community that is created amongst the students here. They are all three vital to the success of our students, and what happens if one or even two of these elements are missing in the program that students may be in now outside of Starfish Social Club.

In this episode:

3:30 - The potential consequences for students if their program has direct, explicit instruction and feedback, but no sense of community with other kids

12:12 - The potential consequences for students if their program has feedback and connection to other kids, but no explicit instruction

24:50 - The potential consequences for students if their program has direct, explicit instruction and connection to other kids, but no feedback

Segment from this episode:

One of the things that can happen if you think about a program that has direct, explicit instruction and it's got a feedback component to it, but it does not have the community amongst the people in the program (this may be some interventions that happen in school, this very well could be one on one interventions, because it's hard to have a sense of community if a kiddo is in an intervention by themselves), one of the things that comes out of a program that's structured in that way without the sense of community amongst the other kids, is our kids start to feel like there's something wrong with them. That they are receiving this therapy or this intervention or this service or this pullout, because there's something wrong with them. They feel isolated. It definitely comes from more of a deficit-type model. 'Why don't other kids go to this?' I've heard that when I was in the classroom and I had kids that would go to speech therapy: 'Why don't other kids from my class go to this?'

May 29, 202337:43
Making sure all our students know they belong at Starfish Social Club

Making sure all our students know they belong at Starfish Social Club

All about the connection our students have with each other at Starfish Social Club! We are talking about what makes the experience here so unique, some of the authentic conversations we have had with students around autism and uniqueness, and why we do not intentionally separate our students by age or by "ability".

In this episode: 2:22 - the types of students who are in our program 3:38 - why we don't have neurotypical kids in the program 15:13 - the really important conversations we have with our students 35:03 - how we group our students (and why it's not by age or ability) 53:17 - a deeper conversation regarding 'ability' Segment from this episode: So we had a conversation about how the two of them are different. They don't have the same ability. And he said, "Well, she's just, like, ADHD or something, right? And I said, "No, she's autistic just like you are." And there was this loooong moment of silence. And it was so interesting. I could literally see, as they say, the wheels turning. And then he said, "You know, my whole life, adults have taught me to get along with all the normal kids. But no one has ever taught me to get along with other kids like me."

May 22, 202301:04:32
What my 2-star podcast review has to do with our kids

What my 2-star podcast review has to do with our kids

In this episode, we're talking about the SECOND most important concept in our program at Starfish Social Club: Helpful social feedback!

None of us are able to make progress if we aren't getting helpful feedback from important people in our lives! Without feedback, we aren't able to address the things that people may find annoying, frustrating, selfish, etc. about us! At Starfish Social Club, we teach all of our students to give each other social feedback. When our kiddos do things that may be socially awkward, inappropriate, or unexpected, other kids tend to have two responses: They give our kids NO feedback, or they give NEGATIVE feedback. Neither of those helps our kids understand what they said or did that is causing their reputation to be what it is.

We walk through how we teach our kids to give and receive feedback, and why it's so important.

May 15, 202341:09
The ONE thing that determines whether or not our autistic and ADHD kids have friends

The ONE thing that determines whether or not our autistic and ADHD kids have friends

The number one factor that has to do with whether other kids want to be around our neurodivergent kids, or not! This determines whether our kids have other kids who like them, avoid them, or even go out of their way to be unkind. This one thing is what our entire program at Starfish Social Club is based on.

The best thing about this concept is that once our students are aware of this one thing, they can change it if they choose to do so!

May 08, 202349:15
The power of natural social consequences, an update on some of our anxious kids, and teaching our students how to change the topic

The power of natural social consequences, an update on some of our anxious kids, and teaching our students how to change the topic

Our most effective strategy for helping our students understand the natural, social consequences of the choices they make. There are going to be people who hear it and maybe think they can't imagine implementing this strategy or feel surprised that it's successful. It may feel a little extreme. From my neurodivergent perspective, it is necessary in order for our autistic and ADHD kids to build their level of social awareness. It's also just as beneficial for all the other students who are in the group who witness us using this strategy.

Also an update on two of our socially anxious kiddos, and how we teach kids to change the topic in a conversation.

May 01, 202359:04
How we support our students as a group in the community

How we support our students as a group in the community

We are talking all about our cohorts, which are groups of similar-aged students who meet every other week. One week they plan an outing and the other week we go do it out in the community! We work on ALL the executive functioning skills in the context of our cohort groups!

Apr 24, 202338:06