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This podcast is owned by Neerja Bhatnagar, a food blogger and runs a blog by the same name ( for a long time now.
She loves to break the myths about food by sharing the science and art behind it.
Here you will find facts, trivia, recipes, recent trends, history, stories, science etc.
New episode releases on 15th and 30th of every month.

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Why does food stick to stainless steel utensils?

Why does food stick to stainless steel utensils?

Welcome to PetPuja Dot Com, the podcast where we explore the fascinating world of food and cooking through a scientific lens. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that everyone has encountered at some point in their cooking journey: why does food stick to stainless steel utensils?

Cooking is not just an art; it's also a science. The choices we make in the kitchen, from ingredients to utensils, can have a profound impact on the outcome of our dishes. In this episode, we're peeling back the layers of this common kitchen conundrum to understand the science behind why food sticks to stainless steel utensils.

We'll uncover the mysteries of chemical bonds, the role of temperature, and the secrets to creating that perfect non-stick surface. Whether you're a seasoned chef or just getting started in the world of cooking, this episode will provide you with valuable insights that will elevate your culinary skills.

So, join us as we embark on this delicious journey into the science of cooking. Get ready to unlock the secrets behind a well-seasoned pan, discover tips to prevent sticking, and gain a deeper appreciation for the magic that happens in your kitchen.

Welcome to Pet Puja Dot Com, where food meets science, and every bite is a lesson.

Please do share your suggestions to the email.

Neerja Bhatnagar

Oct 09, 202309:28
Cooking Under Pressure: The Science Behind the Amazing Effects of Pressure Cooking on Food

Cooking Under Pressure: The Science Behind the Amazing Effects of Pressure Cooking on Food

Welcome to the Science of Cooking series on our podcast, "Petpuja Dot Com", where we explore the fascinating physics, chemistry, and biology behind everyday dishes. In this episode, we will learn about the science behind pressure cooking, a method of cooking food using high pressure steam. 🍲

Pressure cooking is not a new invention. It was first developed by a French physicist named Denis Papin in the 17th century. He invented a device called the "digester", which was a sealed pot with a safety valve that could withstand high pressure and temperature. He used it to cook bones and other tough materials in a fraction of the time it would take in a normal pot.

But how does pressure cooking work? And why does it make food cook faster and more tender? To answer these questions, we need to understand some basic concepts of thermodynamics and chemistry. ( We have covered them in earlier episodes. Pls check.)

First, let's talk about boiling point. Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas. For water, the boiling point is 100°C or 212°F at sea level. However, this value changes depending on the atmospheric pressure. The higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point. The lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point.

This means that when you cook food in a normal pot at sea level, the water can never go above 100°C, no matter how high you turn up the heat. The excess heat escapes as steam. But when you cook food in a pressure cooker, you trap the steam inside the pot and increase the pressure. This raises the boiling point of water to around 120°C or 250°F. This higher temperature allows food to cook faster and more evenly.

Second, let's talk about collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives structure and strength to animal tissues, such as skin, bones, cartilage, and tendons. Collagen is also what makes meat tough and chewy when it is raw or undercooked. However, when collagen is exposed to high temperature and moisture for a long time, it breaks down into gelatin, a soft and sticky substance that gives meat its juiciness and flavor.

This means that when you cook meat in a normal pot, you need to simmer it for hours to break down the collagen and make it tender. But when you cook meat in a pressure cooker, you can achieve the same result in minutes, because the higher temperature and pressure accelerate the collagen breakdown.

So, there you have it: the science behind pressure cooking. In summary, pressure cooking works by increasing the boiling point of water and breaking down collagen faster than normal cooking methods. This results in faster cooking time, more tender meat, and more flavorful dishes.

If you want to learn more about pressure cooking, check out our website for some delicious recipes and tips. And don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more episodes on the science of cooking.

Thank you for listening and happy cooking! 😊

Neerja Bhatnagar

Sep 25, 202316:37
Chemistry in Cooking

Chemistry in Cooking

🎙️ Welcome to another delectable episode of PetPujaDotCom! 🍽️

Are you ready to take your culinary skills to the next level? Join us as we embark on a gastronomic journey through the enchanting world of chemical reactions in cooking. 🔍🍳

In this episode, we'll unravel the science behind what happens in your kitchen when heat meets ingredients. 🧪 From the mesmerizing starch gelatinization that transforms grains into silky goodness, to the protein denaturation that gives your meat that mouthwatering tenderness, and the complex Maillard reaction responsible for the rich flavors in your roasts and bakes, we've got it all covered. 🥖🥩🔥

But that's not all! We'll also explore the intriguing realm of hydrolysis, a process that unlocks a world of flavors and textures in your dishes.

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a culinary novice, this episode promises to feed your curiosity and your appetite for knowledge. 🤓🍽️

Don't miss out on this captivating culinary journey. Tune in now to discover the secret chemistry behind your favorite meals! 🔬👩‍🍳 #CookingChemistry #FoodScience #CulinaryMagic #PetPujaPodcast

Neerja Bhatnagar

Sep 17, 202321:28
Cooking - A science or an Art?

Cooking - A science or an Art?

The realm of cooking, my friends, is a fascinating canvas where opinions abound, and there's no definitive answer. It's a flavorful debate that's been simmering for ages.

On one side of the stove, you've got the fervent believers in cooking as an art form. They extol the virtues of creativity and imagination, asserting that in this culinary arena, there are no strict rules. Each dish, they argue, is a masterpiece, a unique creation forged by the cook's inspiration.

Then, on the other side, you've got the champions of cooking as a science. They're all about precision, exact measurements, and techniques that must be adhered to like the formulae of a grand experiment. To them, the kitchen is a laboratory where certain rules and methods are key to crafting a delectable dish.

In this gastronomic debate, there's no right or wrong. It's a delightful blend of artistry and scientific precision, a culinary tapestry woven with diverse perspectives. So, whether you lean toward the artistry of creation or the scientific precision of a well-tuned recipe, one thing's for sure: cooking remains a captivating journey where flavor, imagination, and technique come together in delightful harmony.

So, is cooking an art or a science? What is your take on this?

Cooking is an exquisite blend of art and science, a captivating journey that marries boundless creativity with precise technique. The culinary virtuosos masterfully fuse these two worlds to craft delectable, unforgettable dishes.

From the scientific vantage point, cooking can be distilled down to the elegant transfer of energy, most often in the form of heat, to our culinary creations.

Heat, the unsung hero of the kitchen, is the catalyst that metamorphoses raw ingredients into mouthwatering delights. Picture this: the heat emanates from a source, whether it's the trusty gas stove, the rugged kerosene burner, the rustic wood-burning chulah, or the sleek induction cooker.

Now, physicists might tell you that heat is a manifestation of energy. But what is energy, you ask? Allow me to offer a handy explanation. Energy is the magical force that brings things to life, making the seemingly impossible not just possible but spectacular.

In this tantalizing episode, we're delving deep into the physics underpinning the culinary world. And hold onto your aprons, because the next episode is a sizzling journey into the fiery realm of chemistry. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss out on this flavor-packed adventure!

So, for a taste of the physics behind your favorite dishes, hop aboard and let's explore the sizzle, the science, and the succulence of cooking.

Neerja Bhatnagar

Sep 10, 202324:07
India's iconic Biscuit - Parle G

India's iconic Biscuit - Parle G

अगर बिस्कुट की बात आती है तो फिर सबसे पहले जुबान पर एक ही नाम आता है और वो है 'Parle-G'. बच्चे-बूढ़े या फिर जवान लगभग सभी इस नाम से वाकिफ हैं.अगर आप चाय के शौकीन है और पारले जी बिस्किट के बारे में नही जानते हो। ऐसा होने की सभांवना बहुत कम है। पारले-जी (Parle-G) बिस्किट का स्वाद आज भी लोगों की जुबां पर बरकार है. भारत में ये सिर्फ एक बिस्किट का ब्रांड भर नहीं है, बल्कि इसके साथ लोगों को भावनाएं भी जुड़ी हैं. जब भी पारले-जी बिस्किट का जिक्र होता है, हम अपने बचपन में लौट जाते हैं. समय के साथ पारले-जी बिस्किट में कई बदलाव हुए, लेकिन इसका स्वाद नहीं बदला. ये ब्रान्‍ड तब से चाय का साथी बना हुआ है जब भारत आजाद भी नही हुआ था। पारले बिस्किट के साथ लोगो का रिश्‍ता कुछ ऐसा है कि इसको देखते ही लोगो की अपने जीवन से जुडी हुई काफी यादें ताजा होने लगती है।

Neerja Bhatnagar

Sep 03, 202315:07
 भारतीय चाय का इतिहास

भारतीय चाय का इतिहास

भारतीय चाय का इतिहास

नमस्कार दोस्तों! चाय पर चर्चा तो अक्सर होती है पर आज हम चाय की चर्चा करने वाले हैं। हम आपको भारतीय चाय के इतिहास की यात्रा पर ले जाने वाले हैं। चाय हमारे देश की प्रिय बेवरेज है, जिसकी खुशबू और स्वाद हर घर में खुशियों का संचार करती है।

I hope, you will love this journey of Tea from China to India. And India becoming one of the biggest exporter of Tea in the world.

With best wishes,

Neerja Bhatnagar

Email -

Aug 28, 202323:21
GI Tagged Spices: A Gourmet's Delight!

GI Tagged Spices: A Gourmet's Delight!

India's rich and diverse culinary heritage is deeply intertwined with the exotic flavors of its traditional spices. Among the many treasures in the realm of Indian spices, certain varieties have been awarded the prestigious Geographical Indication (GI) tag. This certification ensures their authenticity, unique identity, and ties to specific geographical regions, elevating their significance in the world of gastronomy.

Each GI tagged spice carries a legacy that dates back centuries, tracing its roots to specific regions where favorable agro-climatic conditions and traditional cultivation methods create unparalleled flavor profiles. These spices are cultivated, processed, and perfected by skilled farmers and artisans who have passed down their knowledge through generations.

Guntur Sannam Chilli, hailing from Andhra Pradesh, is famed for its deep red hue, moderate pungency, and rich vitamin C content. Waigaon Turmeric, from Maharashtra, undergoes organic farming, ensuring purity and medicinal properties. Malabar Black Pepper, native to Kerala, entices with its sharp, biting taste, while Byadgi Chilli from Karnataka offers a unique blend of color and sweetness.

The Malnad Gidda Chilli from Karnataka captivates with its vibrant color and moderate spiciness. Kashmir Saffron, grown in the pristine valleys of Jammu and Kashmir, adds its golden hue and luxurious aroma to various delicacies. The delicate aroma and distinctive flavor of Mysore Malligae impart a touch of royalty to dishes, hailing from Karnataka.

These GI tagged spices hold a place of pride in Indian culinary traditions, adding depth, complexity, and character to regional dishes. They are an essential part of Indian households, enlivening everyday meals and enhancing festive feasts.

Beyond their culinary allure, these spices boast remarkable health benefits. They are known for their antioxidant properties, aiding digestion, improving immunity, and promoting overall well-being. Additionally, their use in traditional medicine has been praised for ages, making them an integral part of Ayurvedic practices.

When you savor dishes seasoned with GI tagged spices, you experience the essence of the land where they originated. These spices celebrate the cultural diversity and richness of India's culinary tapestry, making each bite an unforgettable journey through time and tradition.

Whether you're a seasoned cook, an enthusiastic foodie, or simply appreciate the wonders of gastronomy, exploring the world of GI tagged spices promises an unforgettable adventure. Embark on a culinary exploration and let the exquisite flavors and stories of these precious spices transport you to the heart of India's vibrant culinary heritage.

I shall be covering some of these GI tagged spices.

Happy cooking, Wisely choosing.

Neerja Bhatnagar

Jul 23, 202330:27
Exploring the Sweet World of GI Tagged Indian Sweets

Exploring the Sweet World of GI Tagged Indian Sweets

Indulging in the delightful realm of sweets is an integral part of Indian culture. From traditional recipes passed down through generations to regional specialties, the variety and richness of Indian sweets are unmatched. In recent years, the concept of Geographical Indication (GI) tags has been introduced to protect and promote the unique identity and origin of these culinary treasures. In this write-up, we will delve into the world of GI tagged Indian sweets, exploring their significance, flavors, and the cultural heritage they represent.

Preserving Cultural Heritage:

The GI tag serves as a badge of honor, acknowledging the historical and cultural significance of Indian sweets. It provides legal protection against imitations and ensures that only sweets produced in specific regions with traditional methods can bear the prestigious label. This recognition not only safeguards the authenticity of these sweets but also promotes the rich cultural heritage associated with them.

GI tagged Indian sweets encompass a diverse range of flavors, textures, and ingredients.

Promoting Regional Economy:

The GI tag not only benefits the consumers by ensuring authenticity but also plays a crucial role in boosting the regional economy. By protecting the traditional production methods and promoting the uniqueness of these sweets, the tag encourages tourism, creates employment opportunities, and supports local farmers and artisans. It becomes a source of pride for the communities involved in the production of these sweets.

Preserving Traditions for Future Generations:

The GI tag serves as a link between generations, preserving age-old recipes and techniques. By emphasizing the traditional methods and maintaining strict quality standards, it ensures that the art of making these sweets is passed down to future generations. This not only preserves the flavors and textures but also promotes cultural diversity and craftsmanship.

The GI tagged Indian sweets are not just desserts but symbols of cultural heritage, regional pride, and culinary excellence. They represent the rich tapestry of India's diverse traditions and flavors. The GI tag provides recognition, protection, and economic opportunities for the communities behind these culinary gems. As we savor these delicacies, let us appreciate the labor, skill, and passion that go into creating these sweet treasures, ensuring their legacy for generations to come.

Let us embark on this journey to find out more about our cutural heritage!


Jul 15, 202323:46


बीकानेरी भुजिया पॉडकास्ट का आपका स्वागत है! इस पॉडकास्ट में हम बीकानेरी भुजिया की दुनिया के बारे में जानेंगे । यह पॉडकास्ट आपको भुजिया के इतिहास, उत्पादन प्रक्रिया, स्वाद और उसकी पैकेजिंग के बारे में रोचक जानकारी प्रदान करेगा। हम यह भी देखेंगे कि भुजिया कैसे भारतीय रसोई में अपनी विशेष महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है और विभिन्न व्यंजनों में इसका उपयोग किया जाता है। तो बस आपको बैठकर आराम से सुनना है और भुजिया के स्वाद का आनंद लेना है!

So, bring in your hot cup of coffee or tea and enjoy with "Bikaneri Bhujia".

Neerja Bhatnagar

Connect with us -

#bikaneribhujiya #history #GItagged #petpujadotcom

May 18, 202314:35
Mango Mania - Alphonso. the King!

Mango Mania - Alphonso. the King!

Namaste and welcome to our food podcast - Petpuja Dot Com. This episode is about the GI tagged Alphonso mangoes! The Alphonso mango, also known as the "King of Mangoes," is one of the most popular and sought-after varieties of mangoes in the world. These mangoes are grown mainly in the western parts of India, including the Konkan region of Maharashtra, and are known for their unique flavor, aroma, and texture.

Recently, the Alphonso mangoes from the Konkan region of Maharashtra have been granted the Geographical Indication (GI) tag, which means that only mangoes grown in this specific region and meeting certain quality standards can be sold under the name "Alphonso." This GI tag not only helps protect the quality and authenticity of the fruit but also provides recognition to the farmers and the region for their unique contribution to the world of mangoes.

In this episode, we will dive deep into the world of Alphonso #mangoes, exploring their history, cultivation practices, nutritional value, and most importantly, what makes them so special. We will also take a look at how the #GI tag is helping to protect the quality and authenticity of these mangoes and what it means for the farmers and the region. So, sit back, relax, and let's explore the world of GI tagged #Alphonso mangoes!

You are a food lover--right?

Here is my food blog, where you will find interesting posts. Please do check and subscribe.


Neerja Bhatnagar

Other platforms to connect are mentioned in the podcast profile page.

May 05, 202313:48
 Chak Hao - The Black Rice

Chak Hao - The Black Rice

Hello ! 

पेटपूजा डॉट कॉम  के सीजन २ में आप सभी का स्वागत है. यह सीजन मैंने GI tagged फ़ूड आइटम्स को समर्पित किया है। GI tags is like getting a trademark for our traditions. Products like Bikaneri Bhujiya, Bengali rasgulla, Agra का  Petha or Mathura Peda have been assigned GI tags.  The episodes of this season will be of interest to anyone who is a keen learner and is proud of Indian traditions. 

मैं हूँ नीरजा भटनागर।  यूँ तो शिक्षा से एक physicst यानी भौतिक वैज्ञानिक  हूँ पर अब एक  डिजिटल कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूँ. मैं अपना कंटेंट ब्लॉग, पॉडकास्ट  यूट्यूब चैनल्स से शेयर करती हूँ. आप अगर पढने  के शौक़ीन हैं तो मेरा कंटेंट मेरे दो ब्लॉगस और  पेटपूजा डॉट कॉम पर पढ़ सकते हैं. अगर सुनने के शौक़ीन हैं तो आप इस समय सही जगह पर हैं।  हाँ, यह पॉडकास्ट फ़ूड, खानपान से सम्बंधित है. इस के अलावा मेरे दो पॉडकास्ट और हैं. आप अगर जीवन दर्शन में रूचि रखते हैं तो मेरे पॉडकास्ट deeptalks को सब्सक्राइब कर सकतें हैं। हिंदी लेखन में रूचि हो तो हिंदीचौपल से जुड़िये।   मेरा यूट्यूब चैनल है motivational mata


Dec 03, 202215:42
Navratri Festival of Feasting & Fasting

Navratri Festival of Feasting & Fasting

आज , २६ सितम्बर से शरद नवरात्री शुरू हैं. आप सभी को पेटपूजा डॉट कॉम की ओर से नवरात्री की शुभकामनाएं. नौ दिन उत्सव के !
Sep 26, 202221:33
Ghevar - घेवर

Ghevar - घेवर

सावन का महीना हो तो  रिम-झिम फुहारों का मजा भला कौन नहीं लूटना चाहता। यह महीना जहां भाई-बहन के प्यार का पवित्र त्यौहार लेकर आता है वहीं आदि देव महादेव का पर्व महाशिव रात्रि भी लाता है। सावन माह का जिक्र हो और उसमें घेवर का नाम ना आए यह तो हो ही नहीं  सकता। घेवर, सावन का विशेष मिष्ठान माना जाता है। घेवर के बारे में  कुछ जानीपहचानी और नयी बातें जानते हैं।  

This podcast is owned by Neerja Bhatnagar, who has been a food blogger and runs a blog by the same name ( for a long time now. 

She loves to break the myths about food by sharing the science and art behind it. 

Here you will find facts, trivia, recipes, recent trends, history, stories, and a lot more - All about the food and allies. 

Please do connect with us. You can follow us on the different social media platforms -

Contact us -

Aug 10, 202209:24
Jun 27, 202222:49
Say No To Avocados
May 24, 202207:55
आम , जो है बहुत ख़ास!
May 14, 202219:38
Message To Mom!

Message To Mom!

This is third and last episode of mother's day. Ladies from diverse fields and age groups are remembering their moms' . Let us hear what they have to say! For them, it is like reliving those days and for listeners, it is like walking through their past. Enjoy !
May 08, 202216:56


Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Four daughters from different walks of life came together to share their feelings and emotions for their moms. It's emotional and will touch your heart.
Shiwani Shrivastav - An Oracle consultant and mother to a three-year-old son.
Chetna - Poet , writer and Anchor from Ahmedabad
Deepmala - Deepmala Sharma, is a teacher, and mother to two young children.
Rajlekha - Retired teacher and amateur painter.
May 08, 202216:51
Mother's Day Celebration in Pet puja dot com.

Mother's Day Celebration in Pet puja dot com.

We are celebrating Mother's Day today. You are listening to Preeti Agyaat, Founder - Editor, Hastakshar Online Magazine. Co-Founder, Karmbhoomi-Ahmedabad.
May 08, 202207:32
Food History/ भोजन का इतिहास - खाना पकाने की शुरुआत कब और कैसे?

Food History/ भोजन का इतिहास - खाना पकाने की शुरुआत कब और कैसे?

यह एपिसोड Voice of Anchor के team challenge का हिस्सा है। मैं Team Mystery 8 की सदस्य हूँ। हमारी टीम का थीम है - Mystery Mythology & History. यह एपिसोड भोजन के इतिहास को एक्सप्लोर करने की कोशिश की है। आशा है आप इसे पसंद करेंगे। आख़िर खाना पकाने की शुरुआत कब और कैसे हुई होगी। चलिए सुनते हैं।
Mar 15, 202214:38
रसोईघर की पौराणिक कहानियां - माता सीता और द्रौपदी की रसोइयों से जुड़े मिथिक।

रसोईघर की पौराणिक कहानियां - माता सीता और द्रौपदी की रसोइयों से जुड़े मिथिक।

यह एपिसोड टीम Mystery8,के थीम - Mystery, Mythology & History से प्रेरित है। आज के इस एपिसोड में हम सीताजी और द्रौपदी की रसोइयों से जुड़ी कहानियां। यह पॉडकास्ट खानपान से संबंधित कहानियां और किस्से पेश करता है। आप हम से अपने मन की बात कर सकते है। हमारा ईमेल है Instagram per awsome_foodie Facebook profile & group
Mar 14, 202211:10
भगवान को भोग में क्या चढ़ाये?

भगवान को भोग में क्या चढ़ाये?

यह एपिसोड #voiceofanchor की टीम मिस्ट्री 8 के थीम - mythology, mystery और history पर आधारित है। इस में हिन्दू परंपराओं के अनुसार हमें किन भगवान को क्या भोग चढ़ाना चाहिये, इस बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी है। तो अगली बार जब आप भोग लगाएं तो इन बातों का ध्यान रखें। यह इस सिरीज़ का पहला एपिसोड है। एपिसोड के आरंभ में सुरीली आरती मैं आवाज़ है विनीता कुमार की।
Mar 13, 202211:07
माँ के हाथ का खाना - यादें । Team momentos
Feb 26, 202213:22
Sugar - A sweet Demon? Dr.Sushma Appiah,Founder Director of GOLZ,Mysore in conversation with Neerja
Feb 22, 202250:25
Food and Skin Health - Team Mementos Collaboration

Food and Skin Health - Team Mementos Collaboration

Neerja of has collaborated with Sindhu of Hello Healthy Skin. Here we are discussing about the relationship of skin health and the food you eat. I am sure after listening to this episode, you ll be able to decide what to eat and what not to eat for a healthy and glowing skin. Having a healthy skin is more about eating right than anything else. No amount of makeup can make your skin shine as a good healthy diet. So, tune in to know more. To listen to Sindhu's podcast, click here -
Feb 15, 202210:40
All About Bread
Feb 12, 202222:56
Dec 10, 202129:36
This vegetable has been a topic of research for mathematicians. Check it out, what is this vegetable

This vegetable has been a topic of research for mathematicians. Check it out, what is this vegetable

नमस्कार, ससरिया काल, जय श्री कृष्णा , आदाब !
पेटपूजा डॉट कॉम के नए पॉडकास्ट में आप का तहे दिल से स्वागत.
जैसा की आप जानते ही हैं कि यह पॉडकास्ट खाने सम्बंधित है. इस मैं आप कुछ अलग नयी जानकारियां पाएंगे।
पिछले एपिसोड में हम ने कुछ चटपटी बातें की थी. जिस में गोलगप्पे के past aur present se jude kisse sune थे.
आज ऐसी एक सब्ज़ी के बारे में कुछ जानेंगे जिस की बनावट के कारण माथेमैटिशंस ने उस पर जबरदस्त research ही कर डाली. है ना मज़े की बात। बताईये कौन सी सब्जी है?

इसी सब्ज़ी की चर्चा करेंगे। कुछ known और unknown facts , रेसिपीज और trivia भी सुनेंगें। कुल मिला कर मस्ती से खाते खिलाते करेंगे यह 20 मिनट का सफर साथ में।
Dec 03, 202119:56
गोलगप्पे- कल, आज और कल।

गोलगप्पे- कल, आज और कल।

गोलगप्पा हमारा सब से प्रिये स्ट्रीट फूड है। इस एपिसोड में गोलमटोल पुचके का बारे में करेंगे चटपटी बातें। 

कांसेप्ट - नीरज भटनागर 

स्क्रिप्ट - प्रीति अज्ञात, नीरजा भटनागर। 

Nov 26, 202112:06
November 25, 2021

November 25, 2021

Nov 25, 202100:39