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It's YOUR turn! with Skye

It's YOUR turn! with Skye

By Skye

Ladies it is OUR TURN!! My passion is connecting with women who are ready to take control of their health and CHANGE THEIR LIVES! Women who have spent their entire lives taking care of everything and everyone around them and are ready to start putting themselves at the top of the list. I love sharing all that I have learned on my OWN never ending journey of self improvement (I'm 51 btw) ✨️. I want to empower women to make LASTING changes to their health & lifestyle to regain energy, stamina and confidence back. "All you can change is yourself but sometimes this changes EVERYTHING!"
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You have to be able to see it to achieve it!

It's YOUR turn! with SkyeApr 28, 2024

You have to be able to see it to achieve it!

You have to be able to see it to achieve it!

One of the biggest pieces in making lasting changes in our lives is knowing, believing and SEEING where it is we are trying to go!
Apr 28, 202421:47
You have to figure out WHAT IS KEEPING YOU STUCK!

You have to figure out WHAT IS KEEPING YOU STUCK!

Learn what we are doing in my 90-day Journey to LASTING Weight Loss and how it's unlike any method you've tried.
Mar 25, 202420:11
The top 3 reasons we don't take action with our weight loss & health goals

The top 3 reasons we don't take action with our weight loss & health goals

As I'm working with women, I want to share the top 3 reasons we struggle to stay consistent, or even GET STARTED with our weight loss & health goals! This might help YOU to recognize why you are feeling 'stuck'.

Mar 17, 202427:53
Don't take MY word for it Ladies!
Feb 20, 202415:51
The truth about SUGAR!

The truth about SUGAR!

There are so many health benefits to cutting sugar out of your life! Most importantly, it really can be THE KEY in being successful with LASTING changes toward better health. When you are able to switch your body's energy source from using sugar as fuel to burning FAT for energy, the whole game changes...including your relationship with food!
Feb 13, 202422:02
Feel amazing in 10 days!

Feel amazing in 10 days!

I kid you not, you can feel SO MUCH BETTER in just 10 days! I will share EXACTLY what YOU CAN DO to can help to reduce migraines, insomnia, joint pain, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue in 6-10 days! What have you got to lose!?
Feb 06, 202433:08
Minisode: Where focus goes...

Minisode: Where focus goes...

Where focus goes, energy flows! This is the key to our struggles with consistency! Learn small ways to keep your goals in front of you each day!
Jan 23, 202406:30
The #1 thing that holds us back from making LASTING changes

The #1 thing that holds us back from making LASTING changes

Making lasting changes IS NOT easy. Figuring out a sustainable eating plan (from UPDATED information) is important. Daily movement is important. But for most women, until they figure out THIS ONE PEICE, it will never stick.

Jan 15, 202415:02
Give YOURSELF the gift of hope in 2024!

Give YOURSELF the gift of hope in 2024!

Let this be the year that everything changes...that your belief in YOU changes and you begin to see what really is possible.

Jan 01, 202423:06
If nothing changes, nothing changes.

If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Procrastination, negative self-talk and our unwillingness to get uncomfortable! How to get past old ways of thinking and make LASTING changes in your life!
Dec 19, 202317:19
3 tips on Setting Your 'Intention' for the New Year!

3 tips on Setting Your 'Intention' for the New Year!

I want to share a few tips on setting your New Year's Intention for 2024!

Dec 11, 202318:25
Stop settling for DEFAULT setting in YOUR life!

Stop settling for DEFAULT setting in YOUR life!

Ladies, there is SO MUCH MORE for you in this life! Tune in and get fired up about doing it differently in 2024. Only you can create the life and the reality that you really want.

Dec 03, 202331:35
Reset, Refocus, Restart. Just don't quit!

Reset, Refocus, Restart. Just don't quit!

If you are struggling to stay on track with your health & weight loss goals during the are not alone! But it's not a fail! It's life. It's finding balance. Most importantly it's learning how to hit the reset button and keep moving forward and not get stuck!

Nov 27, 202321:26
I want to support YOU in all the ways!

I want to support YOU in all the ways!

Talking about different supports that I offer, exciting things that I am working on...and all the ways we can connect!
Nov 20, 202321:38
Maintaining Weight Loss

Maintaining Weight Loss

In my experience the faster we lose the weight, the faster it will come back 100% of the time. You truly can make LASTING changes in your life, but we have to learn a few things along the way!
Nov 08, 202316:27
Calories in calories out?

Calories in calories out?

While creating a calorie deficit DOES WORK (taking in fewer calories than you burn) it will only take you so far. Learn more about YOUR body's set point, and why this is where we get stuck!
Oct 27, 202319:24
Food Noise - What is it and how can we turn the volume down?

Food Noise - What is it and how can we turn the volume down?

I've been so excited to listen to Oprah's State of Weight interview with all of the LEADING EXPERTS (obesity experts, psychologists, CEO of Weight Watchers, and more)! I wanted to learn more about Ozempic, Wegovy and all the new weight loss medications. How do they work? Are they safe? What about long term use? What the heck is 'food noise'?

Oct 21, 202340:48
Dealing with regain...been there done that. Let me help you break these patterns!

Dealing with regain...been there done that. Let me help you break these patterns!

I lived in this cycle of losing and gaining weight for over 20 years and it's a hard place to be. I want to help you figure out these patterns and to get out of your own way of making lasting changes that YOU want in your life.

Sep 02, 202330:28
Sharing AMAZING results (and your WHY)

Sharing AMAZING results (and your WHY)

I am sharing some results from MY loved ones because this is what it's all about. Helping friends and family to really 'get it' makes me incredibly happy. Be the change in YOUR family and see what a difference it can make! Also talking about YOUR why!

Jul 29, 202336:32
6 Disease-causing ingredients found in our everyday food!

6 Disease-causing ingredients found in our everyday food!

Let's start tuning in to the dangerous ingredients in our foods, and recognize that many of them are ENGINEERED to be addictive and over-consumed!

Jul 22, 202325:55
Time to re-write YOUR story ladies!

Time to re-write YOUR story ladies!

My biggest 'AHA' in helping women to get started, STAY CONSISTENT and make LASTING changes to their health & their weight!

Jul 08, 202324:01
Fitness & Strength Training with Nancy Heibel

Fitness & Strength Training with Nancy Heibel

Nancy is a health coach, personal fitness trainer and has a 20+ year career in physical therapy! Her experience both in the medical field and fitness world really give her a unique and insightful viewpoint of the importance of being pro-active about our health.

Jul 01, 202356:33
Perfect is the Enemy of Good

Perfect is the Enemy of Good

There are so many things that distract us from thinking about our goals, or of that version of ourselves that we miss. I want to talk about the REASONS we allow ourselves to get distracted.
May 29, 202319:19
Are you ready for change?

Are you ready for change?

What are you waiting for? A year goes by way too fast! Don't be stuck in the same place. Tune in and see how others are working toward LASTING changes.

May 21, 202328:50
Happy Mother's Day! Tune in for an important note to self....

Happy Mother's Day! Tune in for an important note to self....

"In the end, I am the only one who can give my children a happy Mother that loves life"
May 14, 202319:16
Functional Medicine with Dr. Loy Anderson

Functional Medicine with Dr. Loy Anderson

Dr. Loy talks about her journey to Functional Medicine and how shifting from traditional medicine to a more patient centered focus is helping to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. She talked about women's health and ways to manage symptoms of menopause naturally and help improve your quality of life during these years. Tune in to get some actionable steps that you can start today!

May 01, 202350:26
It ALL starts with you!

It ALL starts with you!

From affirmations to manifesting...what I have found to be true when it comes to making lasting changes in your life (p.s. it's neither of these).
Apr 22, 202332:39
Breathwork with Soma Practitioner, Bodywork & Yoga Teacher Elizabeth Ruff

Breathwork with Soma Practitioner, Bodywork & Yoga Teacher Elizabeth Ruff

There are SO MANY amazing benefits to starting a breathwork practice of your own! Elizabeth Ruff shares her expertise, tips and insights on how breathwork can truly enhance your health & your life! Tune in and learn how to get started today!

Apr 05, 202338:49
Minisode: Choose YOUR hard!

Minisode: Choose YOUR hard!

To make REAL change, sometimes you may have to recognize that staying where you're at might actually be harder than the actual fear of stepping into the unknown...and doing the hard thing. The unknown is a scary place, but YOU ARE WORTH all the effort!
Mar 25, 202311:21
Power-lifting with Emily!

Power-lifting with Emily!

Talking with Emily, a busy mother of three about the impact that power-lifting & strength training has made in her life, both physically AND mentally. Emily really brings home the importance of self-care and how taking time for YOU changes everything!

Mar 20, 202340:31
Minisode: Get comfortable being UNCOMFORTABLE!

Minisode: Get comfortable being UNCOMFORTABLE!

If you want change in your life, you have to be willing to do something different! And it's not easy! Change is scary. Muster up some courage and take that first step OUT of your comfort zone. It is the ONLY way you will grow!

Mar 18, 202306:26
Quiet your inner mean girl with mind-set coach Abbey Heagney

Quiet your inner mean girl with mind-set coach Abbey Heagney

Sadly, many of us women can relate to the title of this episode. It's time we learn to tune into these recordings that have been on autoplay throughout our lives and start changing the script once and for all!

Mar 13, 202342:11
There is no magic pill or 'plan' when it comes to weight loss!

There is no magic pill or 'plan' when it comes to weight loss!

There are so many plans, programs & 'treatments' trending right now for weight loss that make big promises of lasting change. But the truth is that 95% of people on these plans gain the weight back. Let me share with you WHY this is and how YOU can make healthy, SUSTAINABLE lifestyle changes NATURALLY.

Mar 03, 202328:22
Strength training is THE best bang for our buck ladies!!

Strength training is THE best bang for our buck ladies!!

There are so many benefits to strength training for women as we enter mid-life! As we age, we are not only losing muscle mass, we are losing bone-density! 

Feb 19, 202326:58
Grief Yoga Teacher Page Park

Grief Yoga Teacher Page Park

Such an insightful and inspiring conversation with Grief Yoga Teacher Page Park. Page shares her story of grief and how her own life experiences brought her to this calling in supporting others through their personal grieving process. She talks about how yoga, meditation and breathwork can allow you to find peace and healing within yourself at YOUR own pace.

Feb 12, 202358:41
We get what we are!

We get what we are!

I've learned that we don't get what we want, we get what we are! Change your thoughts and you will change your life!
Feb 09, 202322:20
Mending your relationship with food!

Mending your relationship with food!

This is such an open and honest conversation to hear, and so relatable. Many of us women struggle with self-image...working to overcome feelings of not being enough, resulting in an unhealthy relationship with food. Jody talks about her experience and wants to help take the shame out of disordered eating. Listen in as she gives great advice and tips on how to move forward working on both your physical health as well as your emotional health! So inspiring!

Jan 30, 202355:51
See what happens when you don't give up!

See what happens when you don't give up!

"I want to see what happens when I don't give up! This quote brought up so many feelings I have experienced over the years in relation to my weightloss & health goals! We ALL know what it's like to throw in the towel and give up on our goals and committments....but we really need to start asking ourselves "what if??"

Jan 22, 202321:51
Working on mindset AND committing to hard things!

Working on mindset AND committing to hard things!

Mindset and consistency are probably our biggest concern when we are trying to make changes in our lives or starting something hard! Tune in and get some tips that might help YOU! Talking a lot about the 21-day sugar detox and have some tips for all of you!

Jan 14, 202325:12
Weight loss cannot be 'cured' with pharmaceuticals.

Weight loss cannot be 'cured' with pharmaceuticals.

I am a little fired up today after watching an interview on 60 minutes speaking about the new 'miracle pills' and 'injections' for weight loss. Yes, I agree we may be pre-disposed genetically to obesity, but this isn't what is keeping us obese. What has kept us obese as a nation has been all the MISINFORMATION we have been told from the diet industry and the food industry. It is also true that creating a calorie deficit DOES NOT WORK long term. Let me tell you what DOES work, and it isn't a pill.

Jan 02, 202339:51
Get obsessed with YOUR goals!

Get obsessed with YOUR goals!

Wanted to share a couple of 'reels' that I feel are very powerful to hear. So much can change in your life, and YOU are the only person who can make these changes. Tune in, and let's gooo!!!!

Dec 26, 202221:06
You don't want to miss this!

You don't want to miss this!

Listen in to what's going down with the 21-day sugar detox starting mid-January! I want YOU to join us! Grab a friend, partner, co-worker and let's start the year off doing something DIFFERENT! It is 100% up to you if you want to be in a completely different place this time next year, this is where it starts!

Dec 22, 202210:17
Making lasting changes with Iris!

Making lasting changes with Iris!

Excited to share this conversation from my friend Iris, a senior in high school who started her own health transformation 3 years ago. Iris talks about the mindset work she did to get started, the work that goes in to staying consistent and the challenges that young people face growing up in this world of social media! Iris is full of grit and has some amazing insight as to what it really takes to change your life! 

Dec 18, 202201:04:17
Get out of YOUR way!

Get out of YOUR way!

Are there things you've thought about doing in your life, something you are passionate about or interested in but it really doesn't seem possible for you? Many times we dismiss this little whisper of a thing that keeps popping up, and I want to talk about why it's important to start tuning in, and the reasons why we don't!

Dec 05, 202218:55
Certified Primal Health Coach Chris Swailes

Certified Primal Health Coach Chris Swailes

Talking with Certified Primal Health Coach Chris Swailes. Chris is very passionate about helping people improve their health through his personalized lifestyle & nutrition coaching services. An engineer by trade, Chris talks about his own health journey that led him to the Primal lifestyle and how these behaviors can help anyone to be healthier and more active into their later years! Chris introduces his 12 week metabolic transformation program that provides the education, motivation and accountability to truly help people change the trajectory of their future health! He also talks about his FREE guide: 5 Things Conventional Wisdom Gets Wrong, a must read!

Nov 27, 202201:20:23
Doing it Differently in 2023!

Doing it Differently in 2023!

Here are the goals

Nov 21, 202243:01
Learning from Reiki Master Becky Bottrell

Learning from Reiki Master Becky Bottrell

If you are curious to learn more about the healing benefits of Reiki, tune in! Reiki Master Becky Bottrell talks about her journey of discovering her passion and following her heart to become certified as a Reiki Master. She explains everything from what an actual session consists of, the seven different chackras, what they represent, and the many ways Reiki can help bring energy and balance into your life! Becky also talks about other services she offers both distance and in person! Listen in to learn more.

Nov 13, 202245:58
Clip of Reiki Master Becky Bottrell upcoming episode!

Clip of Reiki Master Becky Bottrell upcoming episode!

Listen in as Reiki Master Becky Bottrell explains a bit about Reiki! Tune in to the full episode November 12, 2022 to learn about what services Becky offers both distance and in person (including animal Reiki!). Learn about all amazing health benefits and how it can bring energy and balance into YOUR life!

Nov 09, 202201:40
Mindful Practices with Gabby and her High Vibe Guide!

Mindful Practices with Gabby and her High Vibe Guide!

Speaking with Holistic Life Coach Gabby about mindful practices and how they have changed her life! Gabby talks about gratitude, affirmations, meditation, high vibe foods and getting grounded in nature...and how these practices can absolutely enhance your life. She offers great tips on how to get started with these practices today!

Nov 06, 202201:11:19
Minisode: What does it take to make big changes in you life?

Minisode: What does it take to make big changes in you life?

In this minisode, I am sharing a really powerful post that I came across today speaking about change. How and when do people make decisions to make big changes in their lives. I completely believe these words to be true, and relate to it on a very personal level. I want to share the idea that big or small, we are ALL capable of making changes in our lives...but sometimes we need to recognize that it is possible, it is available, and you are capable of hard things

Nov 04, 202207:27